24 April 2024

Can I do an apprenticeship without GCSEs?

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If you’ve left school without GCSEs, don’t be hard on yourself—there are still ways to snag the qualifications and experience you need to embark on your dream career. How, you might ask? Well, through an apprenticeship!

Apprenticeships are superb because they arm you with work experience, technical skills, and professional qualifications. A supreme career combo.

On top of all that career goodness, apprentices also earn a salary. Why? Because an apprenticeship is a full-time job. The good news is that you don’t need GCSEs to be able to do an apprenticeship, either. Read on to find out more…

Top Apprenticeships

Wait, I can do an apprenticeship without GCSEs?

100%. There are specific schemes set up for people who didn’t quite get the grades and experience during school. These schemes are…

Think of these schemes as some sort of career-focused fairy Godmother (a prettier Lord Sugar, if you will) who takes what you currently have and turns it into a wealth of experience and skills you can use to start your career. Pumpkins aren’t included, sorry.

What is a T Level Foundation Year?

A T Level is a two-year qualification you can do after your GCSEs as an alternative to A Levels. If you’re not quite ready for T Levels or didn’t get the GCSEs you wanted (or at all), a T Level Foundation year will give you the tools and skills you need to progress onto a T Level or beyond.

The one-year course will help you develop your english, maths, practical, technical and study skills.

What subjects can you take in a T Level Foundation Year?

You’ll be glad to know that there’s a foundation subject for each T Level in existence, so no need to worry about undertaking a general course. You can specialise right away. These subjects are…

  • Agriculture, Environmental and Animal Care
  • Business and Administration
  • Catering and Hospitality
  • Construction and the Built Environment
  • Creative and Design
  • Digital
  • Education and Childcare
  • Engineering and Manufacturing
  • Hair and Beauty
  • Health and Science
  • Legal, Finance and Accounting.

Sales, Marketing and Procurement will be available in 2025.

Sounds like the path for you? Why not read more about T Levels.

What are intermediate apprenticeships?

Combining on-the-job training with classroom learning, these are designed to give you the best of both worlds. Plus, you’ll come out with a nationally-recognised qualification.

How long are they?

Also known as Level 2 apprenticeships, intermediate apprenticeships last between one to two years and are equivalent to five GCSEs.

Entry requirements

To qualify for an intermediate apprenticeship, you need to be over 16-years-old.

Although you don’t normally need any formal qualifications, some employers might ask for two or more GCSEs graded at 9 to 4 (A* to C). However, what really matters is your passion and willingness to be a sponge. There’s lots of knowledge to soak up.

If you don’t have GCSEs in Maths and English, you might be asked to take these during your apprenticeship.

So, what’s available?

Intermediate apprenticeships are available in a variety of industries. These include…

  • Agriculture, Environmental and Animal Care
  • Construction, Property and Surveying
  • Education, Training and Childcare
  • Engineering and Manufacturing
  • Hair and Beauty
  • Arts, Media and Publishing
  • Leisure, Travel and Tourism
  • Business Administration
  • Law.

Once you’ve completed your apprenticeship, you can move on to an advanced (level 3) apprenticeship or dive straight into a career.

Will I be guaranteed a job at the end?

The odds are super in your favour if you put the work in. 90% of apprentices go into work or further training after completing an apprenticeship, with around two-thirds permanently hired by their employer.

Thinking about an apprenticeship..? Read our jam-packed Guide to Apprenticeship Programmes. It’s a riveting read.

How much does an apprentice earn?

The current National Minimum Wage for an apprentice is £6.40 an hour, but many employers pay a truckload more. In fact, according to reviews on RateMyApprenticeship.co.uk, the average salary for an intermediate apprenticeship is £18,832 a year.

Where can I find an apprenticeship?

With RateMyApprenticeship.co.uk, it’s easy. There’s a smorgasbord of intermediate apprenticeships available right now. Just click the big button below.

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