- 1. Please give an overview of your role and what this involves on a day-to-day basis:
- 2. Have you learnt any new skills or developed existing skills?
- 3. To what extent do you enjoy your programme?
- 4. How valued do you feel by Stellantis?
- 5. How well organised/structured is your programme?
- 6a. How much support do you receive from your training provider?
- 6b. How much support do you receive from your employer?
- 7. How well does your salary/package meet your costs?
- 8. Are there many opportunities outside of work?
- 9. Would you recommend Stellantis to a friend?
- 9b. Why?
- 10. What tips or advice would you give to others applying to Stellantis?
My role is the Training and Resourcing Apprentice within the HR department. I get up to all sorts of different tasks which is good as it always keeps my days varied. Day to day I do things such as invoices and keeping on top of inboxes. From a training point of view, I book people onto courses and am shortly going to be doing a lot of work on our online system such as collating registers of people attending training courses, etc. Resourcing is the main part of my role - I do a lot of the work behind our recruitment process now. I mark all the applications/CV's, administer the testing to the candidates, telephone interview the candidates and also co-ordinate the assessment centres.
I have definitely learnt and developed new skills - I am obviously gaining qualifications which are giving me a wider knowledge in to business in general and the way it works which really helps me relate it to PSA as a company. I have been on numerous internal training courses both on aspects of my job but also other areas of the business that aren't necessarily related to my role but really help me again get a wider understanding. My own personal skills have definitely improved, my confidence has improved along with my communication - I have done telephone interviews, spoken to directors within the company and also just generally being on the phone has definitely improved my communication. My PC skills have also improved with things such as outlook and excel.
I really enjoy my programme - like I said my work is really varied which always keeps my days interesting. I love the type of work I am getting involved in and if there is ever something I would like to be involved with my manager/supervisor always try to arrange this for me. The team and the whole of the HR department are a great team to be in - everyone is always friendly and there is always a happy relaxed environment in the office which makes coming to work great. The programme has definitely exceeded my expectations.
I feel really valued by PSA - my manager always tells me when I am doing well and appreciates all the work I do for the team. Both my manager and supervisor always give me recognition for the work I complete and make me feel proud of it. I am able to get involved with big tasks and projects that I know will make a real difference to not only our team but the whole department and even company on some occasions. It's great to feel that my team can trust me to undertake big projects.
My programme is extremely well organised - the company has had many trainees for years now which is really helpful as they know exactly what to do with you. The whole recruitment process I went through was seamless along with the induction week. We had information given to use regarding policies, websites and programmes that the company uses, phones along with completing some fun activities throughout the week and a social meal which really helped the apprentices get to know each other better. I have fortnightly one 2 one meetings with my supervisor which really helps me organise and structure all my work and tasks, it highlights the things that need to be done as a priority and is also an opportunity for both me and my supervisor to talk about any general queries we may have. Along with this, my team as weekly meetings when we go over each others schedules for the following week - this helps to ensure we are all on the same page.
I receive good support from my training provider - I have meetings every couple of months with my assessor when we go over previous assignments, get set new assignments, complete some work observations to help finish my criteria off. As well as that, I know that if I email them with a query they will always respond to me with a helpful answer.
I receive a great deal of support from my employer. My manager and supervisor always offer me help and guidance when I need it, they always check in with me to make sure I'm getting on ok with the work I have been tasked and if I'm not will always make time to sit with me and explain it properly so that I understand. The HR advisors are also a great support network for trainees, I had a one 2 one meeting with my HR advisor after being with the company for several months which was really helpful and it's nice to have another person to speak to about issues if necessary.
My salary meets my costs really well - living at home I am able to afford to do lots of fun things and holidays as I don't have to many bills to pay for! I travel from Nuneaton to Coventry every day and put n average £20 petrol in a week which is fine with my salary.
There are lots of opportunities outside of work to get involved with - there are company events that you can volunteer for such as new launches of cars. There are always ticket offers available to go and see sporting events/shows. The company also does an annual quiz night and summer BBQ which are great fun to get involved with. My department also does social nights out which are fun and its good to see everyone in a non-working environment.
I would recommend PSA to a friend as I am really enjoying my time here and feel I am definitely gaining valuable experience. The opportunities I am getting are brilliant and I can't talk of the scheme highly enough.
I would say to really know why you want to work for the company, do your research before applying to ensure you have good knowledge. Always read your application before you send it and if possible ask another person to read it for you as well to eliminate spelling errors. Take every opportunity that comes to you with open arms and give 100% effort.
Level 2 Apprenticeship
Business Operations
West Midlands
March 2016