- 1. Please give an overview of your role and what this involves on a day-to-day basis:
- 2. Have you learnt any new skills or developed existing skills?
- 3. To what extent do you enjoy your programme?
- 4. How valued do you feel by HP Inc?
- 5. How well organised/structured is your programme?
- 6a. How much support do you receive from your training provider?
- 6b. How much support do you receive from your employer?
- 7. How well does your salary/package meet your costs?
- 8. Are there many opportunities outside of work?
- 9. Would you recommend HP Inc to a friend?
- 9b. Why?
- 10. What tips or advice would you give to others applying to HP Inc?
I am an Application Support Analyst. This means I fix faults within applications an software. Incidents are logged by the service desk and then sent to my team. We then provide a fix which allows the user to complete their actions within the application.
I have developed team work and communication skills. I have also learnt some basics of SQL and UNIX.
I enjoy the people I work with as they were very welcoming and easy to get on with. However, the day to day job is often boring and I do not learn very much.
I do not feel very valued by HP. The job I complete is so menial that if I were to leave they could train and replace me very quickly. I would feel more valued if I were given a better salary, the opportunity to gain higher qualifications and the ability to switch roles and gain more experience.
The program is not well structured at all. We were told we would change roles often and gain qualifications such as MTA. We have not done any of this.
We received support from the training provider if we asked for it. During the period we completed college work our training provider was very helpful. I feel that the best part of this apprenticeship was our course teacher/lecturer.
I do not receive much support at all. If I had a problem I could talk to my manager but I am not sure what would be done about it. I would like more training and qualifications but this does not seem possible.
My monthly salary is spent on my car and car insurance, house board, food, mobile phone contract, pet food, gym membership and other finances such as a laptop. After this I have some money to spend on social activities but I find it hard to save for short break/ holidays etc.
There are sports teams and other areas to volunteer but these do not come up often
The job I complete is very easy and there is not much work to be done. This means you can focus on self training other qualifications
Be confident and show that you are capable of working well as a team.
Level 3 Apprenticeship
Information Technology
North East
March 2016