- 1. Please give an overview of your role and what this involves on a day-to-day basis:
- 2. Have you learnt any new skills or developed existing skills?
- 3. To what extent do you enjoy your programme?
- 4. How valued do you feel by Grant Thornton?
- 5. How well organised/structured is your programme?
- 6a. How much support do you receive from your training provider?
- 6b. How much support do you receive from your employer?
- 7. How well does your salary/package meet your costs?
- 8. Are there many opportunities outside of work?
- 9. Would you recommend Grant Thornton to a friend?
- 9b. Why?
- 10. What tips or advice would you give to others applying to Grant Thornton?
My job title is Public Sector Assurance Associate which involves auditing financial statements and accounts for public sector bodies. It also includes studying towards the joint CIPFA/ICAS qualification which takes 3 years. Day-to-day activities involve being on-site testing the accounts of clients, studying on set college days, and learning about the markets we work in and our clients.
Having begun my professional qualification I have learnt new skills around auditing and the finance world which I did not cover at university. I have also learnt a lot more about using Excel and the other software we use internally, as well as more general skills such as time management, people skills, interacting with new people and clients, organising my time and communicating work to others on the team to maintain transparency.
I enjoy the culture of the company and the people I work with. I also enjoy the variety of work my role provides, and all the learning on the job. I enjoy how it is relevant to things we see in the news and is relevant to the lives of everybody.
I feel very valued by the company and the department, even as a new starter who still has a lot to learn. I am able to get involved in anything I wish without restriction because of my grade, and the rest of the team are encouraging when new members of the team get involved, and are keen to include us. I feel well-supported in the programme and training.
The programme is very well-structured however there is a slight difference in our year in comparison with other years in that we have to complete work with another section of the company in order to receive our qualification, which has taken time to get used to.
Generally very well-supported however some of the modules for the course have been for us to learn online with a forum where we can post questions to a tutor who can write back with responses. For me this has not been the best method of learning, and I would much prefer to learn in a classroom situation with a tutor present to explain any difficulties/issues.
We have received lots of internal training as well as external training which has been very useful and has also contributed to the culture of the firm and feeling comfortable with those who we are working with. We are also encouraged to ask any questions we have, and there is a big culture of giving feedback which is very useful moving forwards. I also have several points of contact in the department (line manager, buddy and counselling manager) if there is something I need to talk to someone else about.
My salary covers my costs comfortably, allowing me to live where I would like in London and maintain a sociable lifestyle, however it is very hard to substantially save towards a house deposit.
There are opportunities to get involved in sports activities (running club, yoga classes), and many people in my department, as it is public sector, are involved in volunteering initiatives outside of work. There is an annual football tournament for all the offices (boys and girls) and end-of-month drinks take place, often proceeding to a different venue afterwards.
The culture of the firm meaning that it is an enjoyable place to work with a plethora of opportunities, the ability to gain a professional qualification and be part of the wide Grant Thornton network, and the support received as an employee of the firm.
Be yourself, show what you would be like to work with and why you are a good fit for the firm, be passionate about the role you are applying for and show that you are a hard worker.
School Leaver Programme
Accounting, Finance
Central London & City
April 2016