- 1. Please give an overview of your role and what this involves on a day-to-day basis:
- 2. Have you learnt any new skills or developed existing skills?
- 3. To what extent do you enjoy your programme?
- 4. How valued do you feel by J.P. Morgan?
- 5. How well organised/structured is your programme?
- 6a. How much support do you receive from your training provider?
- 6b. How much support do you receive from your employer?
- 7. How well does your salary/package meet your costs?
- 8. Are there many opportunities outside of work?
- 9. Would you recommend J.P. Morgan to a friend?
- 9b. Why?
- 10. What tips or advice would you give to others applying to J.P. Morgan?
I am in a client service role. My daily job is to communicate with my clients regarding issues and/or enquiries to do with their accounts and large transactions, including domestic and foreign. This involves both external factors in reprimanding the clients problems and internal in resolving with other teams and departments to achieve the highest level of customer service. As my role is international in regard to where the clients are based and where they are sending their money to; as well as the sheer number of accounts many have in different currencies, it can be daunting having the responsibility of overseeing the success of the clients wants and needs all in a days work! However, no two days are the same and I'm lucky to have such a supportive surrounding of colleagues to offer help whenever I need it
As I came straight out of sixth form with no prior economic background, I was surprised to see the level of support I received in and out of the apprenticeship. The exam alone has taught me so much about the industry I'm starting my career in, as well as training I have received within my team and the two weeks of boot camp before I was even in the office with gave me a good head start. With the amount of professionalism and respect people have for you makes it easy to forget you are a apprentice if it weren't for the extracurricular trips and groups to get involved in that are set up for us, I myself am learning a whole new language as it's so easily accessible! I couldn't fit into a paragraph the amount I have learnt, in terms of the industry, my specific role, other roles within the bank and so much more.
My apprentice programme is one of the best things about my job, they are so supportive and welcoming and make sure you feel respected just the same as everyone else,which means a lot when you are so new to not just the bank, but the world of banking and finance. Although it is a huge corporation. I did not expect anything close what working here is, I imagined suits and expected the nature of the job to be stressful, so far, while I've been challenged, I haven't found that to be true in the slightest due to the support of the programme and the friendliness of those running it.
Very, I feel looked after as an individual within the bank. I am constantly asked about what being an apprentice is like and my manager is consistent in making sure I'm happy and I'm not struggling with anything. Externally and Internally I am recognized as an apprentice at J.P Morgan and people are genuinely interested to hear about it.
Immediately after joining boot camp I knew I was in good hands. the bootcamp is a two week induction that gives you the basic tips for in the office, advised do's and dont's as well as social gathering to get to know everyone. We were given the opportunity at the end to give any feedback on what could be done to improve for the next cohort. Ever since then I have felt comfortable with expressing any concern to them, and confiding in their advice in our 1:1's and general catch ups. The programme I believe is very well organized and has great people running it, both welcoming and hugely helpful in our journey as apprentices.
As mentioned earlier, our 1:1 sessions provide us an opportunity to express concerns or issues, whatever they may be. Outside of that, our apprentice leaders make sure to organize events to ensure we all maintain a relationship and feeling like we always have someone to go to with an issue, I feel very welcomed and supported throughout my time. The buddy system is also very supportive, those in the cohort above each have a buddy in the year below that they mentor and can advise them of any issues, I so far have found this very helpful.
My manager is very supportive and takes into consideration my lack of experience coming just out of school, I feel I could comfortably go to her with anything I was struggling with , be it a task she has set or my day job in general. While she offers much guidance, I have felt the projects she has given me are always a new challenge to take up, and guarantees I feel uplifted and proud after completing it, While offering advice and guidance for next time I am faced with a similar challenge.
Personally, I am currently in my own flat with 1 roommate, which can work out quite expensive as well as other costs I pay out such as shopping, bills, social outings and general goods. Saying that, I am paid very generously for an apprenticeship in comparison to others so am very lucky for that. The location has a huge part in this also as Bournemouth is such as expensive place to live in general, I feel my salary reflects the expense of living here with accuracy and do not feel hard done by or that it is unfair to be paid what I am at such a young age.
Plenty! Sports, clubs, groups, voluntary work. Being next to the littledown leisure Centre, sport especially plays a huge part as we have teams that play for the bank. When I'm not working I am either at the leisure Centre swimming or at the gym (which offers discount with a corporate membership, very handy, as mentioned I am also learning Spanish, offered through the bank as extra curricular which is a great opportunity to have at your fingertips!
It's a brand new experience with support, a friendly atmosphere, and opportunities not many would get if not through J.P Morgan, including traveling all over the world. As long as you have a good work ethic, it's a wonderful place to work and a business I'm proud to be apart of
Be yourself! no one is looking for a perfect candidate, there's no such thing, believe it or not they're looking for what your character is, your likes dislikes and personality, so don't feel like you have to pretend to be something you're not. The assessment days threw me off as I didn't know they were going to give us a psychometric test so I would advise revising somewhat for them. Other than that, work hard, be confident in yourself and don't panic! You're going to feel out of your comfort zone at some point if you apply, especially meeting new people and being interviewed, whoever is assessing you knows that, so stay calm and be positive.
Higher Level Apprenticeship
Accounting, Finance
South West
February 2017