- 1. Please give an overview of your role and what this involves on a day-to-day basis:
- 2. Have you learnt any new skills or developed existing skills?
- 3. To what extent do you enjoy your programme?
- 4. How valued do you feel by J.P. Morgan?
- 5. How well organised/structured is your programme?
- 6a. How much support do you receive from your training provider?
- 6b. How much support do you receive from your employer?
- 7. How well does your salary/package meet your costs?
- 8. Are there many opportunities outside of work?
- 9. Would you recommend J.P. Morgan to a friend?
- 9b. Why?
- 10. What tips or advice would you give to others applying to J.P. Morgan?
My job role is Agency collateral management, this requires me to speak to clients daily via email and phone calls acting as the agency in a collateral deal. I deal with a specific client and I deal with all actions related to that client as well picking up any additional projects going on within the team. Our daily tasks are to input the collateral deal into our systems, run client reporting, reconciliations and client calls.
I have massively improved my communication skills as well as leadership skills. This is both from being involved in projects and client calls, meaning some times you're the one who has to take the lead and run the call/update the other people on the call with the latest issues. I have also completed many internal training courses during my apprenticeship, I have learnt a lot about fraudulent activity and how to recognize fishing attempts etc. The apprenticeship team have also put on a lot of courses just for the apprentices, one specifically about how to make small changes each day making a big change in the long run which made you think about how you're acting at work and dealing with stress.
I really enjoy the apprenticeship programme I feel as apprentice we are very welcomed into the company and people are very intrigued by the whole programme and are keen to know more. My team don't treat me any differently as I'm an apprentice and have a want for me to do well. As there are so many other apprentices on the campus now that if you've ever got a problem that you do not wish to share with your manager/the schools team you can reach out to your colleagues and get their advice.
I do feel valued by J.P. Morgan as a whole as people are so intrigued when you say you're on the apprenticeship programme and always ask for more information about the scheme. My team also don't treat me any differently because I am on the scheme and don't have the qualifications that others in my department may have which is a great feeling. The schools programme also run a lot of recognition schemes to make sure the ones who are doing extremely well are noticed.
Our programme is very well structured, you start of with a 2 week boot camp where you spend time bonding with the other apprentices and getting to know each other as well as learning more about JPMorgan and the things they get up too. You then are given a study day once a week to allow you either attend an online lecture/revise for your up coming exam. In the first week at bootcamp you are also allocated a 'buddy' from the year befores cohort which gives you someone to talk to who has been through about a year of the programme is a little bit more experienced in the apprenticeship world of JPM who you can go to about any questions or worries you may have. There are lots of catch ups and events set up in the beginning of the apprenticeship for you to raise any concerns to the schools team who will give you any advise that they can. I feel that this really breaks you in gently to the big world of JPM.
We have a specific Tutor at our learning provided allocated to us and we have phone meetings with them about every other month to ensure we are making progress and keeping up to date with exams and to get any advice we might want on our job. We also have a specific person who works at the learning provider who we can email and contact about exam bookings/any issues with exam bookings
There is a lot of support on this specific JPM site for apprentices and grads etc. There are lots of 'lunch and learns' put on for us to learn about different parts of the bank and network with others in a similar position to you. As mention above we also have a lot of events put on my the schools team who work with people higher up in JPM to get networking events put on for us and we also have an apprenticeship committee who arrange a lot of different events on site which a lot of senior leaders are aware about and attend to tell us about what is currently going on and inform us about their daily tasks.
I am lucky enough that I live near the site which I work on so I didn't have to move down, but for an apprenticeship I feel we have a very competitive salary which covers living costs. I also already pay into my pension which is an amazing thing to have started at such a young age. They have a bus service that runs for JPM employees which gets me within about 10 minutes of my front door so for me the wage we are on covers all my costs needed.
There are a lot of outside of work opportunities if you are willing to take them up. There are multiple JPM sports teams which play and train weekly. We get involved in a lot of charity events which are open to the whole campus or apprentices specific charity events as well. JPM is also involved in a big corporate event in the Isle of Wight which is working along side a charity again. If you are willing to get involved there are loads of opportunities out there for you too get involved in.
I would 100% recommend JPM to a friend, there is so much support on campus and even in the recruitment process you are supported and kept up to date with what is going on. They open a FB page when you are offered the job for you to start communicating to others and building relationships. It is such a good opportunity for young people who no degree to get into such a large company.
I would say be yourself, they aren't looking for the most academic person ever they're looking for people they think could handle and strive in an environment like this. Be confident, ask questions and make sure you're remembered.. without being too full on.
Higher Level Apprenticeship
South West
February 2017