
  • 1. Please give an overview of your role and what this involves on a day-to-day basis:
  • Here at South Humber Bank power station (SHB), I am an EC&I apprentice. Currently I am training along side the instrumentation team at SHB; in day to day life here on site I am involved in routines and break downs. Due to the site being 20 years old, there are many elements that need preventative maintenance each week. However there are critical components here on site that if it were to break, it can prevent all generation of electricity. These defects are high priority, and it is everyone's responsibility to help wherever possible when this happens.


  • 2. Have you learnt any new skills or developed existing skills?
  • Due to my apprenticeship being split between Centrica renewables and now Centrica energy here at SHB, I have had the opportunity to develop a range of skills. So far I have managed to achieve a wide range of qualifications, that have all benefitted me in my day to day life. SHB are very keen at on site training courses and familiarisation on site. This is due to the high danger areas that we have here and the fact that safety is our priority. I learn new skills and widen my knowledge here on site everyday, due to the wide range of equipment that we have, and the fact that these pieces of equipment are constantly being worked on and/or being adapted in some way.


  • 3. To what extent do you enjoy your programme?
  • I am very pleased with my programme and how it is allowing me to progress and develop with time. I am closely monitored here by mentors, who are always willing to adapt certain aspects of my course to suit me. Every aspect of my course has over excelled my first expectations. This is due to being transferred half way through my 4 years across to SHB. this was due to Centrica energy being sold; however it benefitted me as I have now been able to see different aspects of industry in a small space of time.


  • 4. How valued do you feel by British Gas?
  • I feel very valued here as people are always willing to help and develop my knowledge wherever they feel they can. Everyone on site is friendly, and makes a minority (a woman) feel very welcome in such a dominated industry as it is today. My mentors are constantly giving me feedback as well on different areas of my apprenticeship. This is greatly appreciated as I am 'kept in the loop' and able to develop myself more in the areas it is thought by them.


  • 5. How well organised/structured is your programme?
  • My apprenticeship is very well structured, considering the sudden change that occurred when I was transferred over in decemeber 2016. We have 8 weekly reviews with my apprenticeship provider (HETA) and my mentors here on site. This is the perfect place to discuss different aspects of my apprenticeship and get advice from all areas. Within the maintenance office on site there is a time, which states on which weeks I am shadowing who. Within the online system of SAP I have my own planner number. This is meant that when I log on, I can see which tasks have been assigned to myself by my managers. this is a good way of informing people of how well you are progressing with a particular job.


  • 6a. How much support do you receive from your training provider?
  • My training provider has delegated a mentor that is constantly available via email if I have any concerns or need any advice. The trainer provider is also available for mentors to contact them if they feel they need any advice on how to manage our apprenticeship programme. An 8 weekly review is also conducted here on site which all mentors attend and the training provider. Here we are able to discuss progression and any development that is needed to be made to the course.


  • 6b. How much support do you receive from your employer?
  • My employer is very good at supporting me in any aspect of my job that I feel is needed. Whether this be to refer to another aspect of the company (e.g. HR) or to give personal guidance.


  • 7. How well does your salary/package meet your costs?
  • I have a reoccurring problem every year when my annual increase of wages is supposed to go up and it does not. This problem is always pointed out to my mentors and they are always apologetic and try to fix it to the best of their abilities. The money is always back dated correctly as soon as it possibly can.


  • 8. Are there many opportunities outside of work?
  • The company have many events held each year and always organise evenings prior to big outages. Centrica also have programmes that help with things such as child care, bills at home, vouchers and other perks like that. If it is felt there is a help scheme that would be beneficial to many people and you think Centrica would be able to help complete this, the idea should be proposed and they would try their best to help.


  • 9. Would you recommend British Gas to a friend?
  • Yes

  • 9b. Why?
  • They are a brilliant employer who are always willing to help you develop. Working for them gives you lots of knowledge and experience. Also the people employed alongside you are friendly and welcoming.

  • 10. What tips or advice would you give to others applying to British Gas?
  • To volunteer for as many things as you possibly can. The company are always willing to put you on courses and help you in every way. Any experiences they offer you will benefit you in some aspect of your career; whether it be now or later down the line.


Higher Level Apprenticeship


Yorkshire & The Humber

March 2017

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