- 1. Please give an overview of your role and what this involves on a day-to-day basis:
- 2. Have you learnt any new skills or developed existing skills?
- 3. To what extent do you enjoy your programme?
- 4. How valued do you feel by Dstl?
- 5. How well organised/structured is your programme?
- 6a. How much support do you receive from your training provider?
- 6b. How much support do you receive from your employer?
- 7. How well does your salary/package meet your costs?
- 8. Are there many opportunities outside of work?
- 9. Would you recommend Dstl to a friend?
- 9b. Why?
- 10. What tips or advice would you give to others applying to Dstl?
Cleaning glassware, checking stock levels, ensuring the lab is cleaned and remains a tidy environment to work in. Making sure that co-workers have the materials they need to run experiments. Sorting waste. Interactions internally can entail requests from colleagues to collect necessary solvents, suggestions of extra work I might want to take on as well as ideas for expanding my experience and understanding of the job and the environment that I work in. Co-workers have also helped explain technical procedures and field my questions various activities around the lab Externally, my interactions will mostly be with assessors, in which they will come in and help provide learning materials for the next stage of the apprenticeship and help our understanding of what is required for us to do
As part of my induction process I've been sent on many courses to ensure that I have the knowledge to make my working in a sensitive lab environment is safe. This ranges from fire training, to cryogens and gases, awareness of the toxicity of various chemicals that are supplied by the organisation
As the months have gone on and I'm able to relax more into my position and the expectation of my role, I've been enjoying my time immensely. The team I'm part of have been incredibly supportive and made me feel very welcomed. The way the company is structured allows for an easy entry into the position, with many activities available to newcomers to do. Initially I wasn't too sure what to expect due to the secretive nature of facility, but there's not a lot to be anxious about as Dstl helps everyone to have their voices heard and accepts all and any questions to be asked.
Through my interactions with various people across the site, I've felt that though I am relatively low down on the ladder, people in very high positions have always had the time to hear and speak to me. In the cases where I've collaborated with a member of a team on a project or issue, I've felt that my time is appreciated and that they're always willing to teach me something should I ask or show difficulty in completing a task
From my first day here my induction process was under way with various briefings and training sessions. Quite soon I was invited to important meetings that effected my team and department so that I could begin to understand various processes into such things as funding and procurement. Not before long I had completed various training courses that help me understand the hazards of my job better and help towards my qualification. The work that my job entails is a supportive one, it helps other people get on with their jobs and to make them easier and helps fuel production across the board. All-in-all, I would say the programme is very well organised, with a get line of support to help me get on with my start at a new career
The support I get from the college assessors that come in once a month is incredibly valuable. They provide essential references and stages of learning that help ease me into my job and expand my knowledge on the essentials to help me become competent at my job. They come up with creative ways to engage with the apprentices and help keep even the more mundane subjects some what interesting.
The organisation has provided me with many opportunities to engage my studying and provides me the time and facilities for me to learn. If I have an issue of any sort I know that there is someone, like my team leader who will help me find the answers I need within reasonable boundaries. My workplace supervisor has been incredibly supportive of my apprenticeship and makes sure that I'm getting along okay and that any queries I should just ask him or another member of my team, whom are equally as supportive
Unfortunately, due to the nature of the apprenticeship the salary that I receive does tend to mean that I struggle to get by some months, which means that I have to be extremely careful of what I spend. Travel costs to and from work take up a large bulk of my pay, though this has been eased upon finding a lift share and the organisation also provides a free shuttle bus service should I require transport from the local train station into work either late in the morning or early in the afternoon, when my lift share is not available.
Dstl has created a culture amongst its staff of providing a platform for social interaction, this can range from the varying outings held my it's STEPS programme for new starters, to event and lectures given by various members of staff on any top of interest which they feel like colleagues might get a new insight in their knowledge
Dstl is an employer that doesn't let lack of certain qualifications get in the way. I've heard numerous stories from other, more senior members of staff how they might've entered the organisation at a relatively low level possibly lacking certain qualifications and that through hard-work and determination they have been able to achieve a position at Dstl where they rank as a senior member of staff and are now in charge with over-seeing a large and important part of the organisation.
Though Dstl is quite an unusual place of work due to some of the more secretive aspects of the job, it really is nowhere near as intimidating as it may initially seem. It is fairly normal in regards to other jobs and once you've been here for a little while and started getting the hang of things you soon realise that it's a place of opportunity and growth for all.
Level 2 Apprenticeship
South West
March 2017