- 1. Please give an overview of your role and what this involves on a day-to-day basis:
- 2. Have you learnt any new skills or developed existing skills?
- 3. To what extent do you enjoy your programme?
- 4. How valued do you feel by Dstl?
- 5. How well organised/structured is your programme?
- 6a. How much support do you receive from your training provider?
- 6b. How much support do you receive from your employer?
- 7. How well does your salary/package meet your costs?
- 8. Are there many opportunities outside of work?
- 9. Would you recommend Dstl to a friend?
- 9b. Why?
- 10. What tips or advice would you give to others applying to Dstl?
The day to day role that I undertake for DSTL is very interesting. I work within a team that provides the administrative support to the organisation and this is carried out by following procedures and processes. The administrative support helps projects to be complete as the tasks can be achieved by our team which reduces the deadline for other members of staff. I have the responsibility that I follow the procedures and processes correctly; this ensures that the information assurance is met. As well as this, I complete the administrative tasks in the office environment and complete my NVQ coursework which is part of the apprenticeship programme.
I have developed and learnt many skills within my time at DSTL, by working with a group of people I have developed communication skills by collaborating with other members of staff to complete tasks and understanding the importance of teamwork for success. As well as this, I have developed my time management skills, by keeping a work schedule I work within deadlines which benefits me and the people I support. Furthermore, I have developed within the job role, understanding more about the procedures and processes I follow to provide the administrative support for others. Also, by mentoring and teaching others on how tasks are done I have learnt how to transfer skills to new people within the team. The organisation has provided training courses to help with administrative support such as customer service and note taking which is beneficial to the job role.
I thoroughly enjoy the apprenticeship programme that DSTL offer, the programme has helped me learn new skills by working in a business and developed existing skills such as customer service and teamwork. The team I work with is very supportive when I need assistance to complete tasks, likewise I felt the mentoring I revived learning tasks was well taught as I am able to transfer those skills to new members of the team. I felt the programme exceeded my expectations of what the job roles involves, the type of work I undertake is very interesting and the other apprentices I work with are great to work and socialise with.
The organisation is very inclusive and diverse, I feel valued for the support I provide and believe this is praised by my team leader and other members of staff within the team. The tasks I get involved in are vital for others and feel that I have helped them achieve deadlines and have been provided positive feedback from my contributions. As well as this, I have been given positive feedback from external individuals such as the colleges I visit to promote the DSTL apprenticeship schemes. Overall, I feel that I am valued for the work I am involved in and thanked accordingly.
The apprenticeship programme is well structured and clear what needs to be achieved within certain time frames. The induction process was clear and I felt welcome to the new job role that I will be undertaking from my line manager and team members. The training I have undertaken is beneficial for the job role and I feel that my team leader promotes the opportunities to develop and learn new skills. When working within my team, I understand the different positions and the task delegation meets the different levels of knowledge and experience. There is time available to complete my NVQ coursework that is part of the apprenticeship programme, I have been able to meet the deadlines and be above target.
The learning provider is there to provide help and support with my NVQ coursework in business administration level 2. I communicate with my learning provider via email to send units and ask for support, also, my learning provider visits myself internally for one to one sessions on how I am working and progressing. My learning provider is very friendly and has a positive attitude to help me finish my coursework. Overall, I enjoy my coursework as I have learnt about organisational structure, work place environments and administration support, I feel the units I complete relates well with the work I am currently doing within DSTL.
The organisation offers support for me to learn and develop skills. When starting working for DSTL, I was paired with a ‘buddy’ to teach me the procedures and processes that I will have to follow when providing the administrative support in the organisation. Furthermore, I was given a learning plan to what needed to be achieved within time frames thus I was able to plan and work accordingly to achieve those goals. I feel my team leader has provided me with the necessary guidance and support, offering opportunities to attend training sessions and events. In short, I feel that guidance and support is there from all members of the team to progress and develop.
The salary I receive from my employer meets my current costs. I travel 60 miles a day to get to and from DSTL, however, I enjoy my job and feel this is not a boundary despite the travel costs involved. As well as this, I live with family and have low living costs involved with food and shelter. Overall, I feel that the salary I receive from my employer meets my living and social costs as at my current situation is not financially demanding. Also, my salary will be increasing in the second year of my apprenticeship thus I will have more money to support my needs and requirements.
I have had opportunities to go on external visits and event days, for example, I have promoted the apprenticeship scheme to colleges where I interact with the public to promote DSTL opportunities that are open for them and how they can apply to our vacancies. As well as this, I have been on an external visit which has provided me with network and learning opportunities which I really enjoyed. I feel that when opportunities to go on external trips are arranged, my team leader is very supportive for me to attend as they open opportunities to learn and experiences new skills and network with interesting individuals.
I would recommend DSTL to a relative and/or relative as there are many opportunities that the organisation has to offer. There are different parts of the organisation that people from different skills sets to get involved in, likewise there are opportunities to develop and progress within the organisation. Furthermore, the organisation is very inclusive and diverse which is great to meet and work with new people and be part of a new social group. Overall, the opportunities are open for everyone and the team and staff within the organisation are very supportive in making that happen. I thoroughly recommend what DSTL has to offer to anyone.
For those applying for DSTL ensure that you research about the organisation and the job role you are applying for. The application can be found on Gov.uk where you can upload your CV and other personal information. As well as this, make sure that you are prepared and arrive on time for the interview so that you can get into the mind set of answering the questions and promoting yourself. I was interviewed by more than one individual, thus be prepared to have more than one person interviewing you about the job role. The number one tip is to be yourself and promote why you want to work for the organisation.
Level 2 Apprenticeship
Business Operations
South West
March 2017