- 1. Please give an overview of your role and what this involves on a day-to-day basis:
- 2. Have you learnt any new skills or developed existing skills?
- 3. To what extent do you enjoy your programme?
- 4. How valued do you feel by BT Group?
- 5. How well organised/structured is your programme?
- 6a. How much support do you receive from your training provider?
- 6b. How much support do you receive from your employer?
- 7. How well does your salary/package meet your costs?
- 8. Are there many opportunities outside of work?
- 9. Would you recommend BT Group to a friend?
- 9b. Why?
- 10. What tips or advice would you give to others applying to BT Group?
Openreach apprentice, work out in the field installing and repair telephone lines for customers. On a daily basis I am around customers helping resolve there issue that they have with the phone and giving them advice. I work outside in the openreach network cabinets I also climb poles and work in the telephone exchanges depending on what work needs to be carried out.
I have learnt lots of people skills and communication skills but also I have gained many qualifications in telecommunications. I gain allot of training in openreach and travel to different place when learning new skills I am exchange trained in openreach and also telecoms fault trained. I am also gaining an extra QA qualification in communication faulting also
I enjoy the work I do and the team that I work with and it met my expectations to what I was expecting. I love working out side and every job is different so I am always learning knew things when I am out in the field. I enjoy being able to climb the poles and being confident in knowing what it is I am doing. The job is mainly problem solving which I really enjoy.
I feel valued in BT as an apprentice have team meetings on a regular basis and conference calls twice a week to make sure everyone is happy and knows what they are doing and if they have any ideas. If you go above and beyond in this business you can get recognised for it in the company email that is sent to everyone for what it is that you have done
When you first start you do a one week induction to the company where everything about what it is you will be doing and all the health and safety factors that you will be faced with. If you ever need help with anything you can call anyone on your team or your nvq coach and assessor and they will be able to help you. We also have a regular care call so if there are any issues that you face they can be brought up and discussed.
I got 2 months of off the tools training then 4 weeks out with another engineer so I could learn the job. I also am currently getting extra training courses as an apprentice ad you get the chance to go to different training centres to learn more skills as an engineer. It is easy to access support if you are stuck as you can either call your manager nvq coach or on the online engineer assist website which explains all aspects of the job
I receive allot of support from other members of the team who are always willing to help you out. If you ever need any help there is always someone that you can contact and they have a coaching help desk support phone line that when you are stuck on a task they can assist you to help you complete the task and send you in the right direction.
It meets the costs that I need. I don't have to travel to the exchange ever morning as I park my van at home so soon as I leave my house I can travel to my first job. For an apprenticeship it is very well paid and has lots of great benefits. I am able to cover any social and daily costs that I have and still save.
There are many opportunities out side of work they are just hard to get into to. You can also do volunteer work as you can have up o 2 days off in the year to spend the day volunteering for a charity or community there are also group activities that are made available for the apprentices out side of work like trips to different countries.
It is a great job that I enjoy and has great job security. I haver also gained many people and communication skills and gained some great qualifications in telecoms as this is a trade I have learned could move to any country to do this line of work but also the ability to be able to move anywhere in the uk and still have this job just in a different location. It is also a job for life and has many great benefits for working for them too.
The key is to have great people skills and communication skills with customers as they are the most important person in this job. You will do an interview and an assessment day where you will show how well you can work together as a team as there are lots of opportunities for this jobs. Also do not give up if you don't get into the company the first time you applied as it took me two times to get this apprenticeship. Having an engineering background can also give you an advantage in this job.
Level 3 Apprenticeship
Information Technology
May 2017