- 1. Please give an overview of your role and what this involves on a day-to-day basis:
- 2. Have you learnt any new skills or developed existing skills?
- 3. To what extent do you enjoy your programme?
- 4. How valued do you feel by Stellantis?
- 5. How well organised/structured is your programme?
- 6a. How much support do you receive from your training provider?
- 6b. How much support do you receive from your employer?
- 7. How well does your salary/package meet your costs?
- 8. Are there many opportunities outside of work?
- 9. Would you recommend Stellantis to a friend?
- 9b. Why?
- 10. What tips or advice would you give to others applying to Stellantis?
My role is a digital apprentice. My main responsibilities include editing images, handling the budget and making sure payment requests are raised, editing and uploading news articles to the main site and liasing with the product teams to ask for and receive feedback on the car showrooms and then using this information to ensure all the showrooms are up to date with accurate information. I also work a lot with external agencies on various projects.
I feel since working with the digital team I have developed lots of new skills. These range from basic coding to advanced photoshop. These skills have previously been and continue to be displayed on the Peugeot website. In addition to this, I have become a lot more confident on the phone and I am comfortable answering my own phone and the phones of colleagues and taking messages etc. As well as this, I am able to book meetings and meeting rooms for various events with no trouble at all.
I enjoy the PSA Apprenticeship programme a lot. I get on well with my team and manager. I always feel like I have a lot of work to do and I know if I run out of work or complete tasks too quickly I can ask for and receive more work.
I feel very valued by PSA. With any project or task that I am working on I will receive feedback from my manager and from my team if necessary. In addition, I have been asked to do tasks for other teams within the department and I have received appreciation for doing so.
I think the programme is very well structured. Our initial PSA induction was excellent, HR made sure that all the new Apprentices got to know each other well first and then gave us a project to work on together. In addition, I have received extra training on various tasks and my line manager has organised several training days for me in regards to certain skills.
I receive a good amount of support from my training provider. I have meetings with him every 2-3 months and he goes through anything I am unsure of. Additionally I can email him with any questions or issues I'm having - whether this is with the apprenticeship programme or otherwise and he will be on hand to help.
I feel as though I receive a lot of support from my employer. My manager has always made it very well known that I can talk to her about anything, whether this is personal or professional. My HR advisor has said the same and we have one to one catch ups for half an hour every other month to make sure I am getting on okay.
Whilst my salary is enough to meet my costs, I do have to remove quite a bit in regards to travelling and living expenses. Due to having to commute to work, I have to put between £15 to £20 a week of petrol and additionally have to remove part of my wage to pay for food, board and various other costs of my car (insurance, tax, MOT, etc). I do have to budget quite a lot to ensure I have enough to last me the month as this includes money I put away into savings and various other social costs. Whilst the salary is competitive I believe that with the amount of work apprentices undertake, ways of increasing the wage could be investigated.
Outside of work there are various opportunities. We have summer BBQ's and a Christmas party as well as quiz nights throughout the year. Additionally, making friends within PSA has opened another social circle, allowing birthday meals, days out etc. As well as this, some of my colleagues play football after work which give another social activity outside of the office.
I feel that overall, the PSA apprenticeship is one of the best ones on offer for school/college leavers. The variety of different departments that offer apprenticeships mean that there is something for everyone and somewhere everyone will be able to excel. There are competitive benefits and there is a lot of support for apprentices - all whilst gaining a qualification and earning a wage.
If I were to give advice for others applying to PSA, I would say to make sure you do your research, have some knowledge on the company and what they stand for. Additionally, be confident and relaxed in your interview and make friends on the assessment day as these are the people who will be your friends if you are successful.
Level 2 Apprenticeship
West Midlands
May 2017