- 1. Please give an overview of your role and what this involves on a day-to-day basis:
- 2. Have you learnt any new skills or developed existing skills?
- 3. To what extent do you enjoy your programme?
- 4. How valued do you feel by Dstl?
- 5. How well organised/structured is your programme?
- 6a. How much support do you receive from your training provider?
- 6b. How much support do you receive from your employer?
- 7. How well does your salary/package meet your costs?
- 8. Are there many opportunities outside of work?
- 9. Would you recommend Dstl to a friend?
- 9b. Why?
- 10. What tips or advice would you give to others applying to Dstl?
I am an electrical engineering apprentice. In order to learn the necessary skills we need, we are trained by QinetiQ, at QinetiQ Apprentice Training Schools (QATS) for a total of 18 months. In this time, we study for exams, learn in a classroom, and develop our practical skills in a workshop environment.
In my six months here, we have been on a residential trip to Brathay House in Cumbria for a week, where we learned various team building and organisational skills. In addition to this, we have learned the theory of AC and DC circuits and also learned the function of electrical components and how to identify them. We are currently preparing for our first of a number of exams working towards a city and guilds accreditation.
I enjoy the work I do on a daily basis, from learning new skills in both the electrical and mechanical workshops, as well as working with others on group projects which we partake in every Wednesday. I also enjoy the culture of DSTL in that it is very self-promoting and those higher up take a great deal of interest in us apprentices and the apprenticeship scheme. It has certainly exceeded my expectations.
We are consistently contacted by the company and shown around the organisation in order to get a more developed understanding of what the organisation does. For instance, we were given a tour of our main site when we returned there for two weeks, which was very interesting as well as informative. In addition to this our line manager is always in constant contact with us to ensure that we are comfortable.
The program is well structured, we had an induction for the first week which gave us an overview of the expectations of DSTL and QinetiQ, as well as giving us an insight into what both organisations do and their aims. Furthermore, we were also inducted into QATS, showing us how to safely use work equipment in our specified areas.
I receive a lot of support from my training provider. QinetiQ also gives us a line manager so we actually have a line manager from QinetiQ and DSTL, both of these have regular meetings with us and email us when information and opportunities are available. This also means that we can easily access support/guidance from them, as well as being able to go to them if we have any issues.
I receive a fair amount of support from my employer, mainly through my line manager and HR. I can go to my line manager with any issues I have, as well as being able to email or telephone HR for assistance as well. Our line managers also act as our mentors so that support is always available and they are always happy to help.
Living at home locally to my apprenticeship does help, as this alleviates the issue of rent in the area. With the wage we are given I am able to save around half of it each month and I am able to afford everything I need within reason as well as pay for my car insurance and fuel/servicing without feeling under financial pressure.
There are many opportunities outside of work, we often go on education trips and visits to other QinetiQ and DSTL sites and can also go to external events via the IET and ImechE which are all paid for by DSTL, which is a bonus considering the saved expense of the membership costs and the opportunities it gives us.
It is a great apprenticeship scheme and gives us plenty of opportunities to learn whilst we earn and become a full member of the organisation through placements after the initial 18 month learning period. Moreover, we also receive a lot of support from both DSTL and QinetiQ which helps significantly.
I would say complete the application form and all the security forms as soon as possible and correctly the first time as they can take awhile to come back with all the necessary security clearances and whatnot, for the interview, I would recommend just being as confident as possible and be yourself.
Level 3 Apprenticeship
East of England
February 2018