- 1. Please give an overview of your role and what this involves on a day-to-day basis:
- 2. Have you learnt any new skills or developed existing skills?
- 3. To what extent do you enjoy your programme?
- 4. How valued do you feel by Stellantis?
- 5. How well organised/structured is your programme?
- 6a. How much support do you receive from your training provider?
- 6b. How much support do you receive from your employer?
- 7. How well does your salary/package meet your costs?
- 8. Are there many opportunities outside of work?
- 9. Would you recommend Stellantis to a friend?
- 9b. Why?
- 10. What tips or advice would you give to others applying to Stellantis?
My current role at Vauxhall is based at the Head Office within the HR Department. My current job title is Talent Development Assistant. My main responsibilities in this job role are looking after training for the business and ensuring our employees complete their CAP. Along with this, me and my team are always looking to create new training which can benefit our employees and business. I also look after our HR SharePoint which needs to be looked at on a daily basis and updated when there is new information to be uploaded.
I have gained and learned a number of skills which have developed me as an individual and employee. These skill's include interpersonal skill, time management, presentation and Excel. I have lots of opportunities to get involved with different projects around the business, which gives me exposure, knowledge and different experiences in the business. I also attend university as a part of my apprenticeship and am working towards gaining a CMDA (Chartered Management Degree Apprentice) BA Hons in Business Management.
The programme is brilliant and have learned so much from it. The programme has allowed me to work in various parts of the business such as retail sales, HR and aftersales whilst gaining a degree.Vauxhall as a company is great to work for as the culture is very friendly and also any queries/issues are dealt with immediately, It is a brilliant apprenticeship and would highly recommend it to others.
All the roles within the apprenticeship scheme are 'real job' with real responsibilities. I am valued at the same levels as other employees, and have a great deal of responsibility within my role. We have a performance management system (CAP) which helps myself and my manager set and track my goals, performance, behaviours and personal development.
The apprenticeship scheme has a very good structure as I know how long the scheme is and what opportunities lie ahead. The scheme is 3 years long and will finish with me gaining a degree. We also have a mentoring system, which allows us to share any concerns we have. Furthermore it also allows us to have someone in the business who we can talk to about our next steps for our career.
Vauxhall's support is great - any queries or questions we have get answered immediately. Support from the university is also very good as all out queries are answered very quickly by the module leaders. However, in cases when we don't get an answer, Vauxhall are very supportive in helping push the university to answer our queries.
Vauxhall's support is great - any queries or questions we have get answered immediately. Support from the university is also very good as all out queries are answered very quickly by the module leaders as our course is all distance learning. However, in some cases when we don't get an answer, Vauxhall are very supportive in helping push the university to answer our queries.
As I am more of a senior apprentice (4th Year), compared to other apprentices in lower years, my salary is good. It allows me to live comfortably at home and lets do things that I enjoy. Furthermore with potential salary increase, this would mean my salary would go up again once we reach September.
We have CSR days (Corporate Social Responsibility) which allows all employees of Vauxhall to go out of the office on a day out to different charity or volunteering events. Furthermore with Vauxhall being sponsors of the Home Nations Football, it gives us the opportunity to go to Wembley and watch the football.
It is a fantastic opportunity to earn whilst you learn. Vauxhall are very supportive in your apprenticeship. Vauxhall encourages apprentices to rotate in their roles every year, so in theory you are able to experience four different departments within the business. Furthermore with the degree element included, it's another reason why the apprenticeship program is a very good scheme.
Application: Fill in the Application Form with as much detail as possible. Assessment Centre: Research the Business, Be Confident and Be Enthusiastic.
Degree Apprenticeship
Business Operations
East of England
May 2018