
  • 1. Please give an overview of your role and what this involves on a day-to-day basis:
  • going out and interacting with clients on a daily basis with the support of more experienced team members allowing you to build knowledge and improve your experience. as you get more experience you manage to take on more responsibility which allows you to do more sections on your own and review your own work to ensure it is up to a high standard.


  • 2. Have you learnt any new skills or developed existing skills?
  • Projects will vary weekly from some small companies to companies part of a big group therefore responsibilities and pressure also varies. This will impact your daily tasks as some days you many have a greater role to play whereas some days there may not be as much pressure when working in a bigger team. It is a great feeling being able to interact with clients and to understand how a range of different businesses work


  • 3. To what extent do you enjoy your programme?
  • The programme is very beneficial and allows you build client relationships from the beginning it also allows you to see how different businesses work in the real world. You also get to work in larger teams and smaller teams which builds team work and leadership skills which are vital in the real world


  • 4. How valued do you feel by Forvis Mazars?
  • Mazars make you feel valued from the start by providing you with jobs and encouraging you to take on more responsibility and opportunities. They also provide support with exams and there is always support when you are struggling with work as they pair you with a senior who is able to assist


  • 5. How well organised/structured is your programme?
  • It begins with training and follows on to college in which you build up relevant knowledge to be able to start working. This process is consistent for all starters and ensures that you are not just put on jobs with no knowledge. They also provide briefing for each job to ensure you understand the workload


  • 6a. How much support do you receive from your training provider?
  • A lot of support is received from your training provider with regular updates on new training opportunities or training files which need to be completed. This is communicated through webinars and training activities which you are given time to complete. These are well explained before hand to ensure you understand how to complete these


  • 6b. How much support do you receive from your employer?
  • There is a lot of support received from them sending you to college where there are professional tutors to assist you. Also, they place you on jobs where there are seniors to help you if you are stuck and require more information. Everything is well explained before hand to ensure you understand


  • 7. How well does your salary/package meet your costs?
  • Compared to going to university where you will be in a 27k debt, this job allows you to work and build knowledge at the same time whilst earning a highly competitive salary for 17/18 year olds. Also, all travel costs are accommodated as well as college funds therefore it meets costs very well


  • 8. Are there many opportunities outside of work?
  • There are always networking events available for people to go out and socialise with different people in order to build there network. This allows you to have a social life and build on your relationships with people. There are also many local community and charity events which take place regularly


  • 9. Would you recommend Forvis Mazars to a friend?
  • Yes

  • 9b. Why?
  • There are a vast number of opportunities available and it allows you to build experience and earn a salary from a young age. Also, you get a qualification which is highly valued and respected in society. This comes with support and assistance from Mazars so that the pressure is reduced

  • 10. What tips or advice would you give to others applying to Forvis Mazars?
  • Research the sector which you would like to go into as this must be what you enjoy doing. There are many opportunities available at mazars therefore research these before joining. Consider if you are capable of maintaining a healthy work life balance to ensure it does not get too stressfull


School Leaver Programme

Accounting, Finance

East Midlands

May 2018

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