
  • 1. Please give an overview of your role and what this involves on a day-to-day basis:
  • I am an Apprentice Associate Software Engineer who performs Software Development, Testing and Operational Support for medium size tools to internal customers in a networks and telecommunications context. I normally work on web or application based automation software. My day to day job involves discussing with my team what it is we are to work on today and then working towards that on my own or with a partner. I then write automated tests which match up with customer requirements and write the code to get them to pass. I will have meetings with my customers to discuss new requirements and confirm the completion of old ones.


  • 2. Have you learnt any new skills or developed existing skills?
  • Yes. I have learnt a huge amount of new skills. I began my apprenticeship without many programming skills (I had done a Computing GCSE so knew a small amount of BASIC and HTML). I am now in the position of having a good portfolio of skills in a range of software technologies including formal qualifications as I am now an Oracle Certified Java Developer and close to the end of a Foundation Degree in Software Engineering from the University of Suffolk. My Skills include Java, Ruby, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Ansible, Rials, Maven, Python and many others. My writing and presentation skills have also improved and I have almost completed a Software Engineering NVQ as well.


  • 3. To what extent do you enjoy your programme?
  • I enjoy the work that I do with BT. It is challenging and rewarding and varied as every new project is different. I happen to enjoy Software Developing though. The team is very positive towards new learners and people understand that you are an apprentice who may start work without any skills. The company culture is generally good but as a large company it can be slow to get things done and some of the processes are frustrating or confusing. I would say that it managed to match and exceed my expectations.


  • 4. How well organised/structured is your programme?
  • The programme is mostly fairly organised. All apprentices attend a week long induction which does a lot to introduce BT as a company to us. Once we join the training is very much on the job and aside from mandatory training which is all online we are expected to be trained up by our teams and so the quality varies. Some teams might host bootcamps on topics that you have to learn but others will expect you to learn from people in your team. That being said the University degree will provide training for some of your work. My apprenticeship had great support because we have an apprentice coach who can deal with anything relating to university, the scheme or even just your workload. For studying we get one day a week to do our NVQ and university. We do not have a formal mentor but people in your team will normally perform a similar role. Employees are expected to have regular meetings with their manager and this can be somewhere an apprentice can raise issues. On the other hand there were issue this year in working out the structure of the programme because I am on a trailblazer scheme. This meant it took us a while to be told all of the work that we have to do to complete the apprenticeship but this should be fixed for later years.


  • 5. How much support do you receive from your employer?
  • I am lucky to have a supportive manager who is happy to let me go to development opportunities such as seminars and visits to other BT sites. He has gradually helped me build up my skills. BT has a good HR Team with confidential lines of support although I have never had to use them myself. For most support in the apprenticeship the best place to go is your team or your apprenticeship coach.


  • 6. How much support do you receive from your training provider when working towards your qualifications?
  • We have University once a week in term time and this is the only time we meet with our training provider. We are able to contact them out of hours by email and they are fast to respond. The course is mostly well taught although we have had issues with some lecturers in the past. The classes are fairly large and so there is not much support from the university. The course itself is tailored to BT and so it covers specific technologies which will be useful for our job such as Java, testing and CISCO packet tracer. I am also working towards an NVQ and an Apprenticeship Portfolio. I do not receive support for these other than advice that my apprentice coach can give to me.


  • 7. How well do you feel that your qualification (through your training provider) helps you to perform better in your role?
  • I would say that on the whole the qualification of the software engineering foundation degree does help me perform better at my role due to teaching me new programming languages and databases technologies. Other modules are less directly related to work such as Personal Development and the Networking modules but they are still useful bits of training for the future. I learnt Java at University and have used it a lot at work so that is an example of a theory I have put into practice. We did also briefly cover the industry that we work in at university.


  • 8. Are there extra-curricular activities to get involved in at your work? (For example, any social activities, sports teams, or even professional networking events.)
  • The place that I work has many Sports and leisure facilities. There is a gym which is very popular and I go with members of my team. There is also a badminton hall, tennis courts, mini football pitch, ping pong tables, snooker tables etc. Our team has social events every now and again (normally when someone leaves or joins the team) which are normally going out for meals and drinks or playing local escape rooms. Every year we have a Christmas dinner paid for by BT. There are always volunteering oppurtunies as well. At my place of work there are regular events where schools are hosted to compete in programming/robotics competitions and I have volunteered either on my own or as a team to do these. Work also has special events such as a site wide Sports Day which is done every year and there are always other smaller events taking place on site which are highlighted in a weekly news letter.


  • 9a. Would you recommend BT Group to a friend?
  • Yes

  • 9b. Why?
  • BT is a good employee that offers a very competitive salary for entry level apprentices. There is a very positive attitude towards apprentices within the business which means as an apprentice you can have access to opportunities that others can't. You will need an interest in computing or networks to enjoy the work however.

  • 10. What tips or advice would you give to others applying to BT Group?
  • The application process will have changed a lot since I applied three years ago but here is some advice I would give. For the assessment centre you must make sure you are on time. Plan to get there a long time in advance, there is no issue with being too early but being too late could be an automatic fail! I would also say dress smartly. Clothing at work is pretty relaxed but you want to look mature and serious about getting a job at the assessment so overdress rather than underdress, most people wear a full suit. If there is a group exercise make sure you speak up. Don't think that you can input your ideas when the others in the team ask your opinion because they might not so just make sure you say something so that the assessors are able to confirm you have inputted. If you have an interview you will normally be assessed by someone from the team you will be joining. They will not be overly concerned about previous experience in the field but just that you seem like someone who will be able to learn, has an interest in the work and will get on with people. If you have to give a presentation print off your notes, do not read them off a phone or tablet and try to show you've read a lot about the subject not just put down your thoughts the day before. So use sources and references.


Higher Level Apprenticeship

Information Technology

East of England

February 2019

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