
  • 1. Please give an overview of your role and what this involves on a day-to-day basis:
  • My job title is corporate technology developer. I record support queries in a log and also program websites and maintain them. I am a lead programmer on a internal portal and on a daily basis I am doing documentation and programming.


  • 2. Have you learnt any new skills or developed existing skills?
  • I have developed my HTML and CSS skills and learnt a whole lot more. I am learning jQuery and JavaScript as well as .NET. I am also learning how to manage documentation and scripting in SQL.


  • 3. To what extent do you enjoy your programme?
  • I have really enjoyed the program. I have learnt and developed skills for the work place and for life that I wouldn't have learnt otherwise


  • 4. How valued do you feel by Nomura?
  • It's hard to feel valued in a company so big, so in some places you do feel left out but that is inevitable in a company so big. Within my team and those who my work affects I do feel really valued.


  • 5. How well organised/structured is your programme?
  • On Nomura's behalf it is very organised on the training providers side- it is hugely disorganised. There are many times when Nomura has had to contact the training company as they are not doing what they need to. I don't think they are organised or structured. But as this review is in terms of the employer- Nomura is hugely organised. If it was the training provider I would have given them a 2.


  • 6a. How much support do you receive from your training provider?
  • Very little support, very many times emails are not replied to for many different apprentices, results are not updated and exams are not organised.


  • 6b. How much support do you receive from your employer?
  • I receive a great amount of support- weekly meetings with my manager. I have a mentor and a buddy whilst keeping in contact with the HR team having regular catch-up.


  • 7. How well does your salary/package meet your costs?
  • My salary meets my costs very well because of my lifestyle- I live with parents and I don't have many financial commitments.


  • 8. Are there many opportunities outside of work?
  • Yes there are, I did a lot of volunteering and some paid opportunities especially in the London Bridge area.


  • 9. Would you recommend Nomura to a friend?
  • Yes

  • 9b. Why?
  • Because its a great opportunity to grow in a growing company.

  • 10. What tips or advice would you give to others applying to Nomura?
  • Just be yourself! Its a very different sort of work place; loads of different characters and people are very accepting.


Level 3 Apprenticeship


Central London & City

August 2014

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