- 1. Please give an overview of your role and what this involves on a day-to-day basis:
- 2. Have you learnt any new skills or developed existing skills?
- 3. To what extent do you enjoy your programme?
- 4. How valued do you feel by Stellantis?
- 5. How well organised/structured is your programme?
- 6a. How much support do you receive from your training provider?
- 6b. How much support do you receive from your employer?
- 7. How well does your salary/package meet your costs?
- 8. Are there many opportunities outside of work?
- 9. Would you recommend Stellantis to a friend?
- 9b. Why?
- 10. What tips or advice would you give to others applying to Stellantis?
My Job title is GBS and Apprentice supervisor assistant. My job role is split into two aspects, on one side I help with the running of our apprenticeship program. This includes: -Scheduling meetings -Looking at our advertising strategy -Assisting with the hiring of new apprentices -And much more The other side of my job is to do with changes to our HR struture and how we implement these, helping with the transition of our European HR centre and much more. Within my role I do different things on a daily basis, this keeps things interesting. You will be doing work that someone would have to do if you were not there. One thing I particularly like about the Vauxhall apprenticeship scheme is that you have the chance to rotate Job roles every year.
Within my Apprenticeship I have already gained the following: -Level 3 Certificate in Business Administration -Level 3 NVQ in Business -Level 2 CMI I am working towards: -HNC in Business At Vauxhall you have the chance to take part in lots of training internally. Some of the training I have completed is as follows: -Safe driving -Apprentice ambassador training -Excel training -Presentation training -(Job specific training) Doing an appreticeship has allowed me to be able to, implement skills that I already had and to be differentiate when and when no to use them. The benefit of working with experienced colleagues is that you are able to learn from them as they are one of the best sources of information with all of their years of service.
The fact that I am able to rotate job roles is especially important for me. It enables me to gain an overview of the business and to learn transferable skills each year which I can bring with me to other parts of the business. The work that you are given is challenging, but you aways have the support there if you require it. You will always be given feedback things that you have done. My expectations of the Vauxhall apprenticeship program have been exceeded. You are seen as a normal employee to the company and so you do not feel like you are being singled out.
You have regular meetings with your manager to ensure you are on track to meeting your goals for the year. All the managers are really nice and praise you where praise is due. I was shocked when I started to see the amount of responsibility I was being given. This is a real job and you feel extremely valued when you are trusted with it. If I ever need help everyone is always wiling to help, whether that be my manager or my work colleagues.
Before you start a role you are always given a handover to make sure that you know the ins and outs of the job. You will attend training that is relevant for your job, but of you wish to get involved in anything else there are always lots of opportunities. Each apprentice is assigned a mentor who is there to listen, advise or just to have a chat with if you wish. You are given control over how often you meet. We work 4 days a week and have day release to college where we gain all of our qualifications. I originally joined on a 3 year apprenticeship. This was extended so that now I will gain a HND qualification; this shows that Vauxhall is investing in us.
Bedford College has many ways for us to receive support. We are always able to contact our tutors by emailing of phoning them. We also have a college advisor that we can always speak to when we have any issues or things we may want to tell them. At college you are seen as a normal student, there is no distinction made between apprentices and full time students.
No matter what there are always people there who can support you. You have your manager, mentor, the HR team and colleagues. Everyone is always supportive and willing to help.
As I am living with my parents the wage that I have is more than acceptable. The wage is competitive. The wage that I earn is enough to cover all of the aspects of my life whether they be day to day, travel costs (from home to work and vise versa) or social costs.
The opportunities at Vauxhall are endless. If you wish to get involved in anything you need only ask. We do lots for charity such as raising money for Help for Heroes, skydiving for charity, the London to Brighton bike ride and sleeping homeless for one night for LAMP. You are also given the opportunity to volunteer for 1 day a year to help a good cause. You can also help out with raising awareness for apprenticeships. There are always school careers fairs available for appentices to take part in. We also take part in the Brathay challenge which aims t find the apprentice team of the year. As Vauxhall sponsor the home nations football teams and Liverpool FC there are chances for you to go to games. The company actively look at helping people network and build stronger bonds; We have recenty had a football and rounders competition.
The company has a well establised apprenticeship scheme which offers the perfect alternative to University.
I would say just be yourself and then people will notice that.
Higher Level Apprenticeship
Business Operations, Engineering
South East
October 2014