- 1. Please give an overview of your role and what this involves on a day-to-day basis:
- 2. Have you learnt any new skills or developed existing skills?
- 3. To what extent do you enjoy your programme?
- 4. How valued do you feel by Stellantis?
- 5. How well organised/structured is your programme?
- 6a. How much support do you receive from your training provider?
- 6b. How much support do you receive from your employer?
- 7. How well does your salary/package meet your costs?
- 8. Are there many opportunities outside of work?
- 9. Would you recommend Stellantis to a friend?
- 9b. Why?
- 10. What tips or advice would you give to others applying to Stellantis?
My job role within my apprenticeship is as a Product and Pricing Co Ordinator within Aftersales Marketing - this covers a wide scope of roles and responsibilities. This includes sending daily reports to the warehouse of the stock levels in terms of car parts, sending through oil and part orders to be processed and keeping on top of deliveries to ensure that retailers and dealers are getting the best treatment. Internally, i interact with my Product and Pricing department in which there are 3 of us including my line manager. Also, other people within the company who I sometimes need assistance from. Externally, I am regularly on the phone to retailers and suppliers in terms of any queries that they might have. I've been involved in a couple of projects within my first 2 months which includes big 'bonanza' offers where people get money off bulk orders and this has been interesting.
I'm currently working towards obtaining my level 3 in Business and Admin alongside my CMI in Business Management. this is done while I have day release at Bedford College every Friday. in terms of the personal skills i have acquired, my confidence has definitely increased due to the fact that I have had to meet a number of new people. Also, i have attended a couple of days visiting schools where i have had to do a presentation about apprenticeship in general and also what i have done so far specifically of which i have found highly valuable in strengthening my skills.
In terms of my actual job role, i highly enjoy the programme as I feel have settled in quickly within the department of Aftersales and have built relationships with people already. I also feel that my job role is interesting which means I enjoy coming into work as there is always something different to be doing every day. An apprenticeship has a highly social aspect. the fact that there are always different events and nights out being planned is exciting because you make actual friends instead of just work friends. My apprenticeship so far has exceeded all expectations that i had before starting.
as a whole, i feel extremely valued as an employee within Vauxhall. I will regularly receive recognition from management levels when i have done something that is particularly good and this alone plays a massive part in how valued i feel by the company. As my job role is quite reliant on dealing with people externally and helping with any queries that they have, I receive recognition by the retailers on a regular basis which is a good feeling because you know you've actually made a difference and helped people out.
Upon starting my apprenticeship, there is a week for the induction. Within this you get to meet management and director levels within all of the different departments of the company. i feel that this is highly beneficial as gives an overall overview and builds on your understanding of the business. I then had a 2 week handover period in which consisted of me sitting with the apprentice who's job role i was taking over. I found this to be vital in my understanding of my new job as it was on-the-job training and had my apprentice with my to help with any queries. There is also a mentor scheme in place in which each apprentice is assigned a mentor and you will meet with them every 6 months or so and go over any issues that you might want to raise.
There is slightly less support coming from my training provider however I feel that this is because there is such a large number of people that are taking the course, it is difficult to be able to support people to a good level individually. However, i have no doubts that if i had an issue with anything involved in college, i would know the relevant people to go to and they would deal with any issues with ease.
My manager provides me with a lot of support at work as any issues that I have - I can speak to him and he goes out of his way in order to be able to try and resolve the situation as best as he can for me. Knowing that if you have any serious issues you can speak to HR acts as a safety blanket because you know you can go to them for support if it is needed. As mentioned, the mentor programme is beneficial because i can go to my mentor within anything that i might not be able to speak to my manager about.
My salary exceeds my costs. As I have to pay rent to live at home which takes a small amount out of my monthly wage. As I don't drive I get the train to and from work every day. however, for me, this is most cost effective because I live around 45 minutes away from home. Taking these essential expenses away from my monthly wage, I am still left with quite a large amount of money which just goes towards social costs - i.e. going out, weekends away etc. and general day to day costs.
There are countless opportunities to get involved in outside work. Already within my 2 months of my apprenticeship I have been involved in signing up to different charity events. one being the LAMP sleepout of which is taking place in December. I feel that getting involved in charity events is helpful because you get to know different people within the company. Similarly to getting involved in other company activities such as a departmental rounders tournament that took place recently as it is a good chance to team build.
The Vauxhall apprenticeship ticks all the boxes for me personally. it is one of the best paid apprenticeships available which is obviously a massive advantage. Also, the different opportunities available. for example, the job rotation aspect of the apprenticeship where after every year, i will rotate into a different department. Also, the chance to be gaining higher qualifications while earning money at the same time. this for me was the deciding point when it came to deciding between uni and an apprenticeship.
My main piece of advice would be to prepare in enough time. Apply for an apprenticeship at Vauxhall as soon as you see it come up anywhere as the sooner you register, the better you will feel about the process. also, prepare for interviews and assessment days thoroughly making sure that you fully understand what you are talking about when it comes to the interviewing process. Also, make sure you understand what the apprenticeship entails so that you are fully aware of every aspect that is involved in obtaining an apprenticeship with Vauxhall.
Level 3 Apprenticeship
Business Operations
South East
November 2014