
  • 1. Please give an overview of what your work experience involved:
  • I took part in a two week paid work experience in EY's London offices. The first week was focused on working towards a level 2 CMI qualification. In the second week, my cohort was split into numerous teams to work in different sections of the company e.g. audit.


  • 2. What training and skills development did you learn from your work experience?
  • I gained leadership skills which developed during the work done towards achieving my CMI.


  • 3. To what extent did you enjoy your work experience?
  • I really enjoyed my work experience. I made new friends, gained a mentor and more imortantly the wide range of things i could do in the future.


  • 4. How well organised was your work experience?
  • The work experience was organised quite well.


  • 5. How much did you learn about the company culture and what it would be like to work there?
  • I had some conversations with people who had been working at EY for a long time which allowed me to get more information about the company culture. Additionally, i was able to make my own judgements about what it would be like to work there (which is quite relaxed).


  • 6. How much did your work experience help you in deciding on your future career path?
  • It helped me realise i was limiting myself with what I wanted to do in the future and also that whatever subject done in university does not determine your job. It is about the skills obtained whilst there.


  • 7. Were you paid or reimbursed for this experience?
  • I was paid but not reimbursed for travel.


  • 8. Were there opportunities for networking and meeting other employees?
  • There were opportunities for networking although many employees were quite busy so it was not easy to find them and have a chat.


  • 9a. Would you recommend EY to a friend?
  • Yes

  • 9b. Why?
  • I learnt so much and had a great experience overall.

  • 10. What tips or advice would you give to others applying to EY?
  • Be ready for challenges and take part in all activities. Additionally, make the most of your time at EY.


Work Experience

Business Operations


March 2020

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