- 1. Please give an overview of your role and what this involves on a day-to-day basis:
- 2. Have you learnt any new skills or developed existing skills?
- 3. To what extent do you enjoy your programme?
- 4. How well organised/structured is your programme?
- 5. How much support do you receive from your employer?
- 6. How much support do you receive from your training provider when working towards your qualifications?
- 7. How well do you feel that your qualification (through your training provider) helps you to perform better in your role?
- 8. Are there extra-curricular activities to get involved in at your work? (For example, any social activities, sports teams, or even professional networking events.)
- 9a. Would you recommend Inspire ATA Ltd. to a friend?
- 9b. Why?
- 10. What tips or advice would you give to others applying to Inspire ATA Ltd.?
I work closely with apprentices on pastoral and employment related support to ensure well-being and success as they journey through their own apprenticeships. I identify areas of improvement, give tips and pointer on lifestyle and take a holistic approach in offering high quality careers based information, advice and guidance. I also support and manage a sales team and recruiter to source opportunities for candidates to complete an apprenticeship, and work closely in quality of placement and apprentice experience.
I have learned about the 3 main leadership styles and have been able to adapt my own approach in managing my team alongside the apprentices that I support. I have also learned much about motivation theory and how teams respond to different stimuli, support and employee engagement. I have learned how to evaluate how different people respond to issues in the work place and how to implement HR strategies to identify areas of further training and SMART targeting.
I am very much enjoying my programme, my assessor has been excellent, she is always contactable should I have a questions. Delivers sessions to me monthly, to stretch and challenge my skill set. I do feel the benefit to completing self reflection tasks and discussing my thoughts with my assessor, she give me great advice on how to refine the way that I handle situations and this makes me a better manager. I am able to manage my team well and gain excellent results.
My assessor meets with me on a monthly basis, she will complete a 2 hour training session with me virtually and we have open discussions regarding the theory of management. She then sets me an assignment and gives me all the resources that I need, written, diagrams and videos to study. I am a visual learner and appreciate the variety of resources to help meet my own learning needs. We book my next session 1 month in advance so I can manage my own diary and meet my workplace expectations.
My employer meets with me and my assessor quarterly and we discuss my progress so far, we discuss how I have been able to put into practice what I have learned and my manager is able to give me feedback on how he views the improvements to my performance. I am given time to complete assignments during my working hours, and am able to keep on track with my off the job learning hours. My manager will also support me in implementation on new responsibilities when I need help.
My assessor will give me honest feedback in good detail to show me what I am doing well and where I may need to rethink on the work that I produce and give me extra guidance should I need it. She will help me find extra resources when I need them to clarify some of the theory that is a little challenging to understand. She sends me TED talks and Mindtools to meet my learning need. She is quick to respond to queries and points me in the right direction.
I am know able to work in a variety of management styles and have learned how to challenge my team and my apprentices more effective. I understand more factors of motivation and how I can enhance my teams happiness within their roles and look at weaker areas that would benefit from coaching or additional support. I am also learning more formalised areas of HR and how to ensure I am following correct ACAS advice and guidance.
We are a social organisation and we have an away day every year to look at road travelled, key areas for development next year and some time to socialise after with other departments. This year due to COVID we have had an away week that has been developed as daily 2 hours sessions. We had the opportunity to hear from our SMT, and Directors, we had a guest speaker that gave us well-being tips. We also hold weekly drop in session (tea breaks) that we can all meet to have a chat, and interactive activities. We also can attend weekly Director drop in sessions to ask our director anything that is worrying us. We have monthly dedicated on-line Social which have included a magician, break our rooms and pub quizzes. We have so many way to keep connected to other departments and ensure good relationships across the group.
I have never worked for a more social company that give me the opportunity to feel included and valued, they have a positive culture and up hold all 4 core values. Looking at all the opportunities that I mentioned in question 8 with all the social activities and support in my own development and CPD opportunities I am able to grow an an individual as well and develop myself professionally. We have so many opportunities to socialise interdepartmentally that we have good working relationships across group and communication can be exemplary.
I would recommend as you are going through the recruitment process that you be yourself, be able to demonstrate that you are committed and passionate about your own development, Inspire ATA champion continuous personal development and take pride in the opportunities to gain career stability. We live by our core values of Be Inspiring, Have Compassion, Take Action and Ensure Equality. Skills and experience can be learned/gained but enthusiasm and passion for a role is paramount.
Level 3 Apprenticeship
November 2020