- 1. Please give an overview of what your work experience involved:
- 2. What training and skills development did you learn from your work experience?
- 3. To what extent did you enjoy your work experience?
- 4. How well organised was your work experience?
- 5. How much did you learn about the company culture and what it would be like to work there?
- 6. How much did your work experience help you in deciding on your future career path?
- 7. Were you paid or reimbursed for this experience?
- 8. Were there opportunities for networking and meeting other employees?
- 9a. Would you recommend Marsh McLennan to a friend?
- 9b. Why?
- 10. What tips or advice would you give to others applying to Marsh McLennan?
We got to chat with multiple apprentices about their experiences at the company as well as their process in applying. We also got to take part in risk management activities to build skills in this area. It was great and really insightful into what insurance is like. We also spoke to staff within the company about their roles and what kind of training Marsh offers.
I developed risk management skills through the risk management games that we took part and competed in I also took constructive criticism and performed well enough that my group came first! I also gained confidence in speaking up and asking questions even in a scary environment, everyone was comforting so I built my confidence quickly.
I really enjoyed the experience, it helped me build more and strength my current transferable skills further. It also gave me brilliant insight into Marsh’s apprenticeships and the opportunities they offer, and I am now interested in participating in an apprenticeship with the company. I feel as though I have brilliant insight and knowledge of their programmes.
It was very well organised, we were given contact details incase we disconnected which I felt was very accommodating. Also, the breakout rooms were organised well and in terms of technically challenging it was not at all, we basically just had to join through a link and hang up at the end.
I learnt a lot, we got to speak to multiple members of staff across the company which was very useful as it gave us brilliant insight into different roles and it really accommodated to everyone no matter what subjects each person enjoyed. We also got to learn lots about Marsh’s services as well as their partnered companies.
It actually has hopefully directed me on to my path as I have applied for an apprenticeship at Marsh, I hope I do get this job as the team seem great and the job role is very interesting to me. Even if I am unfortunately unsuccessful I will definitely still persevere in finding a job within insurance.
We were not paid but it was only 2 days and the knowledge I gained was very valuable to me as it has helped me decide which career path I now go down, which is insurance. It was amazing and I would recommend to anybody unsure about their future career prospects.
Yes definitely, I actually added a lot of the staff on LinkedIn and have since kept up with their journeys and career through marsh. I also got to add apprentices and have spoken to them about their journeys which was brilliant to gain the extra insight. We got to talk to some higher up staff members too.
They are really accommodating to all their staff either students in work experience or apprentices and also higher up staff, this is what staff have told me and my experience myself. It has helped me decide which career I want to pursue in the future as well as preferably working for Marsh.
I would say to be yourself and also be confident. I see that Marsh values individuality so it is important to embrace all aspects of your person and personality. I would also make sure to give examples of your skills you have when pitching yourself to Marsh. I know Marsh values team-working skills and a passion to learn.
Work Experience
Insurance & Risk Management
Blackpool, Lancashire
March 2021