- 1. Please give an overview of your role and what this involves on a day-to-day basis:
- 2. Have you learnt any new skills or developed existing skills?
- 3. To what extent do you enjoy your programme?
- 4. How well organised/structured is your programme?
- 5. How much support do you receive from your employer?
- 6. How much support do you receive from your training provider when working towards your qualifications?
- 7. How well do you feel that your qualification (through your training provider) helps you to perform better in your role?
- 8. Are there extra-curricular activities to get involved in at your work? (For example, any social activities, sports teams, or even professional networking events.)
- 9a. Would you recommend Focus Care Supported Living Ltd to a friend?
- 9b. Why?
- 10. What tips or advice would you give to others applying to Focus Care Supported Living Ltd?
I am a team leader and have to regularly ensure paperwork is submitted to a high standard. I also communicate with professionals and families to ensure high level care.
I have learnt a lot of new skills. I have learnt how to complete an effective appraisal and how to ensure an effective supervision.
I am enjoying the programme I am currently part of. I am enjoying learning new skills in an supportive environment.
Very well structured.
I have a very supportive employer who helps me progress in my role and ensure i am trained sufficiently and then above the expectations. They also support me mentally.
I always have the support there should I require it. I do not often ask for help as I like to try first.
I am regularly taking new experiences from this qualification to my role to progress and determine my management style
I am the infection prevention control ambassador for the company. I have also been awarded support worker of the year award 2021. Currently no extra events however this is due to Covid-19 and new events are in the pipeline for the summer.
I feel supported. Pay is above national living wage.
Just be yourself. If you do suffer with mental ill health then just let the company know. They would rather know and support you than not know and make you feel that you have to deal with this alone.
Level 3 Apprenticeship
February 2022