- 1. Please give an overview of your role and what this involves on a day-to-day basis:
- 2. Have you learnt any new skills or developed existing skills?
- 3. To what extent do you enjoy your programme?
- 4. How valued do you feel by Network Rail?
- 5. How well organised/structured is your programme?
- 6a. How much support do you receive from your training provider?
- 6b. How much support do you receive from your employer?
- 7. How well does your salary/package meet your costs?
- 8. Are there many opportunities outside of work?
- 9. Would you recommend Network Rail to a friend?
- 9b. Why?
- 10. What tips or advice would you give to others applying to Network Rail?
I am a track maintenance Apprentice. We live at a naval base in Pourtsmouth where we carry out a BTEC in the first year. In years 2 - 3 we carry out mostly practical tasks. It is great because we get paid to learn and have all our food payed for. We have free access to a 24 hour gymand has Personal development coaches to help us keep fit and provide us with team leading qualifications.
Team building and team leading skills as they are putting us through a ILM course. At the moment we are doing a level 2 ILM yet in year 2 and 3 we are working towards our level 3 - which is a highly sort after qualification.
It is amazing. I have met some great people from all ove the country and will be living with 2 other apprentices in years 2 and 3 which network rail pay for.
Highly valued. There were 196 apprentices picked out of 10000 applicants.
Very well organised. We have a set timetable for subjects and extre curricular activities and if we feel undure about our schedule then we have Apprentice support officers to help us out.
Our training provider is an ofsted level 1 which i beleive is the highest level. Therefore tyhat is proof that they provide us with more than enoguh support throughout the course .
Our manager helps everyone out a massive amount. He personally helps run the football team and offers money out of the budget to pay for trips such as ; paintballing. His office is always open to anyone wanting a chat. It is the same with the HR department, they were very helpful and welcoming from day 1.
We dont pay for food or rent and they pay for our travel home so the salary works well.
Yes. Our manager has a budget they he can use to pay for trips which he has already done. He has payed for Thorpe park and paintballing so far.
Because since i have been here i have grown as a person, become physically fit and felt i have learnt so much in the 7 months since i have been here.
Research the discipline you are going into and perpare for the interview. It would be good to have experience in a manual job. Even if you are volunteering for a local heritage railway.
Level 3 Apprenticeship
South East
April 2015