- 1. Please give an overview of your role and what this involves on a day-to-day basis:
- 2. Have you learnt any new skills or developed existing skills?
- 3. To what extent do you enjoy your programme?
- 4. How well organised/structured is your programme?
- 5. How much support do you receive from your employer?
- 6. How much support do you receive from your training provider when working towards your qualifications?
- 7. How well do you feel that your qualification (through your training provider) helps you to perform better in your role?
- 8. Are there extra-curricular activities to get involved in at your work? (For example, any social activities, sports teams, or even professional networking events.)
- 9a. Would you recommend Severn Trent to a friend?
- 9b. Why?
- 10. What tips or advice would you give to others applying to Severn Trent?
Every day is very different. There can be days where you are out actively leak finding and days where you are in severn trents own academy (collage building) learning something new. There are many aspects to the job roles, making sure the leakage levels are low and also making sure the operability of the area is kept on top of.
I have learnt a lot of new skills whilst joining severn trent, before I never knew much about the water industry but a year into my apprentice I am very confident and know so much about this. I have improved my skills like problem solving as this is what I need to do in my job role day to day.
I really am enjoying this apprenticeship so far I have learnt so much and I am still learning. After i have joined the company I have been really interested about the water network and now have learnt so much about the network too. The company is a very big company and they welcomed me very well when i joined and are very inclusive with people.
My programme is very organised and structured well. I am in the severn trent academy (similar to collage) three times every month, whenever I am here I learn so much and meet new people. We have assignments to complete after we visit normally which in the long term helps us with our end point assessment and there is always someone at the end off the phone if you are unsure or stuck with anything.
As a whole the company is very supportive when I am doing my assignments if I need any help my manager, teacher or even mentor is very supporting and will help me with whatever I need. Whenever i have needed help i have asked these people and always got help.
I have received a lot off help whilst working towards the end point assessment. There are a lot of assignments that are set for the long term to show that we have good understanding about different areas. Whist doing these there are also courses to be booked onto like power skills to help improve.
I feel like it has went very well this is due to the fact that there are no bad habits this way, this means whenever I am doing a task on the network I am doing it the correct way so I will not damage the network or cause any problems.
There are many opportunity and events to get involved in to team build. There are frequent events like bowing , laser tag and outside climbing activities. There are also various work training days that you can book onto to qualify you to work for heights and make it safe when you do so. You can also book onto days where you volunteer to do things with severn trent for the environment like litter picking and various tasks like this.
Severn trent is a big company and very inclusive and welcoming. I feel at ease coming to work and also networking with new people now because off this. Since joining I have gained more confidence and improved social skills since joining. At the end off the apprenticeship you get a qualification too .
Have no worries about equality and inclusion as severn trent will include everyone, they care about your health and mental health. The company includes everyone and will offer you many benefits if you join the company. Just make sure you keep on top off everything like coursework and also tasks you need to complete.
Level 2 Apprenticeship
March 2023