- 1. Please give an overview of your role and what this involves on a day-to-day basis:
- 2. Have you learnt any new skills or developed existing skills?
- 3. To what extent do you enjoy your programme?
- 4. How valued do you feel by Aldi?
- 5. How well organised/structured is your programme?
- 6a. How much support do you receive from your training provider?
- 6b. How much support do you receive from your employer?
- 7. How well does your salary/package meet your costs?
- 8. Are there many opportunities outside of work?
- 9. Would you recommend Aldi to a friend?
- 9b. Why?
- 10. What tips or advice would you give to others applying to Aldi?
As an store apprentice for Aldi I've had a variety of roles and responsibilities to carry out. On a day to day basis this involves putting out stock, merchandising, serving customers on the tills as well as generally maintaining standards in store. Later into my programme I progressed onto carrying out management duties such as issuing tills, completing office paperwork and organising colleagues to complete tasks as efficiently as possible.
As working for Aldi was my first job... I can safely say that all my skills and experience has come from my time in this role. It has enabled me to gain confidence, develop people skills as well as having the drive to meet targets and achieve new goals.
Overall I have thoroughly enjoyed the experience. I have had the privelige of working with brilliant colleagues and managers who have made the experience more exciting along with the fast pace of the company. The best feeling is being a part of a committed store team in trying to improve the business as a whole for the better. There are times when the role can be challenging both physically and mentally... However, this has developed me as a person and because of that I am glad to have taken part in the apprenticeship scheme.
As a whole I feel greatly appreciated by staff in store as well as higher management. I constantly receive positive feedback regarding my work on projects or my contributions.
As a company, Aldi sets out a very clear and structured training programme which I have found simple to follow and excel in. This with the guidance of 'mentors' and management makes it very easy to learn about the industry and develop new skills.
Although recently my training provider has been up to date and extremely helpful in assisting me to complete my programme, there have been a few issues in the past. This is mainly to do with the number of different assessors I have had to go through during my apprenticeship. This has then caused me to repeat tasks previously completed and also meant a lack of communication between the learning provider and Aldi themselves. It has been the case sometimes where I have been left months without an update or visit from the provider causing confusion at times as well as delaying overall progress.
I have received a treat deal of support from Aldi as a whole with my programme. I have been provided with appropriate training resources throughout my course and had 'mentor' staff including the store manager to assist me when learning to take on new roles and responsibilities. I have also been able to work closely with the area manager to arrange checkpoint dates and visits from the training provider assessors.
I have found the ALdi apprenticeship wage to be more than enough to cover my living costs as well as be able to help myself buy a car amongst other things. Being familiar with various other apprenticeship schemes I can say that Aldi really does pay excellent rates and the amount increases year on year.
Although the hours can be quite demanding or unsocial, I still always have more than enough time for other commitments as well as time for family and a social life etc. One thing I have loved about the apprenticeship scheme is how the hours and working pattern varies from week to week so it never gets boring or repetitive.
All in all I would recommend Aldi to a friend because the learning opportunities are endless as well as the possibility of career progression. The benefits of a job at Aldi like good rates of pay and generous holiday allowance make it all worthwhile. I would be glad to see what it has done for me happen to someone else.
The possibility of a career at Aldi really is a great opportunity for learning and developing new skills, as well as being financially rewarding. But don't underestimate the role - its very hard work so if you are not prepared to give it everything then its really not for you. Its definitely a case of the more you give, the more you gain.
Level 3 Apprenticeship
Customer Service
South East
May 2015