- 1. Please give an overview of your role and what this involves on a day-to-day basis:
- 2. Have you learnt any new skills or developed existing skills?
- 3. To what extent do you enjoy your programme?
- 4. How well organised/structured is your programme?
- 5. How much support do you receive from your employer?
- 6. How much support do you receive from your training provider when working towards your qualifications?
- 7. How well do you feel that your qualification (through your training provider) helps you to perform better in your role?
- 8. Are there extra-curricular activities to get involved in at your work? (For example, any social activities, sports teams, or even professional networking events.)
- 9a. Would you recommend University of Oxford to a friend?
- 9b. Why?
- 10. What tips or advice would you give to others applying to University of Oxford?
Daily tasks: project managing and coordinating the booking and trips, hiring the project resources and enrolling them into the team. Daily interactions internally: managing colleagues, tracking and monitoring finances, decisions making for the approach, negotiating about timing / deadline. Daily interactions externally: leading the meetings, and reporting the project progress to the funder Responsibilities: presenting at the regular reviews the progress report, capturing the data from the project and estimation the cost and timing, ensuring the all the objectives in the BC are covered and the work is moving forward. Projects: digitisation cultural heritage, creating intranet platform for the business.
I have improved - the negotiating skills - communication skills and comms factors which I need to consider when working with EU donations and EU colleagues - my confidence in chairing the meetings, - my understanding in team behavior - how is team forming, norming, motivating and reassuring - leadership - this was my key gap in development. I have found it useful to learn about diffrent factors - time zones, culture, language, generation that I could use when motivating team and managing. - effective delivery of change - how to be prepared for the change request and push back from those impacted.
It is a joy, the virtual teaching is a great benefit. Programme is set in a great way - it feels real- we are all (students) working towards the same goal to achieve the same outcome. That is helping the motivation. We have two tutors who are very knowledgeable and have the right attitude, and we can contact them if there are any issues / need more help explaining the content.
Very Well, I have been give the list of workshops that I need to attend across the year. This was great bcs I could prepare for it and plan ahead. My enrolment went well and it was easy and relatively short which was great. The tutor kept us well informed about the upcoming topics and deadlines. Regular 1:1 with my tutor ensured that I am not loosing sight of any content and motivation.
My employer is giving me extra time off if I need to study more intensively and is aware and making others to consider that I have studying to do too. This is a great support for me. I am a slow learner and that is what I need. They are flexible about the study day. On top of this I have my line manager who is here to always help with any questions. Also I have a senior project manager who I have 1:1s with to resolve any detailed issues. This is great because I have so much support, I don't feel lost or left alone at all.
Qualification exam: Having regular 1:1s with my tutor is exactly what I need. These are the regular virtual visits and reviews of my progress. They are giving me the directions to prepare for the exam, being a great ‘partner’ in crime, proving me with the constructive feedback to develop further and trusting me that I can do it! It motives me, give me feedback how to progress, where are my gaps, and how to be better for the next session. Also my tutor is very knowledgeable, using an examples from a real work situations is very good to improve my understanding. Portfolio assignment: The regular reviews of my portfolio assignment is very useful. We are mapping the areas what is needed to cover in more details and where are too much unnecessary details.
I feel incredibly better and more confident in what I do in my role! On day to day basis I can do much more and negotiate and communicate with more colleagues and I don't need to go to line manager for some complex tasks. I can contribute in the project meetings and in the senior governance round table sessions because I understand more thanks to the qualification.
There are professional networking events, within my department which is fun, and I find it interesting to share the experience and listen about other apprenticeships. The org. also hold the annual award where we all meet and share the experience. It is very well recognised and the VC of the University attends it. The social activities are useful, I have met my departmental tutor and disscussed the approach and our interests.
It helped me to build my self-confidence and independence. I have plenty of opportunities to make new friends / colleagues from different countries and backgrounds, and we are all respecting our differences. Working independently also nurture my level of responsibility. The Organisation is proving a safe place for speaking and contributing to the work, juniors are welcome to say a view, opinion. This is an open culture work place.
Don't be intimidated to say your opinion, Start at the lower role and move on while learning about organisation, be interested in forward-thinking approach, Be willing to support and help - this is a team workplace, and team are celebrated here, Be flexible and kind and protect others, junior - this will pay off.
Higher Level Apprenticeship
Project Management
March 2024