
  • 1. Please give an overview of your role and what this involves on a day-to-day basis:
  • Currently, I work as a System Integration Engineer in the testing department. We test either the physical durability of parts (e.g. the front steering rack) or the functionality of car systems (e.g. braking system). This involves working with a mix of software, hardware and coding to simulate an environment around each test piece and fool it into thinking it is on the road as opposed to on a controlled rig. I work a lot with understanding the different types of signals and microcontrollers (ECUs) in the car, and how these can be manipulated to carry out the test. We use several climate-controlled rooms (-40°C to 90°C), several full vehicle rigs and even a sunlight simulator to test how parts react and function under harsh conditions. Without System Integration Engineers in testing, then none of the tests we do could be carried out. This means that faulty systems or parts with weak structural integrity and robustness would be finalised for manufacture and placed inside every car – leading to potentially dangerous situations as parts fracture or fail whilst driving as they have not been tested for their durability.


  • 2. Have you learnt any new skills or developed existing skills?
  • Learnt lots of soft skills revolving around how to be professional in the workplace. This involves becoming a lot more responsible, clearer communication, better managing of deadlines, better time management etc. Also learnt how to function within the workplace, things like corporate flirting are real. For my job role I use about 10 different softwares - so learning how to use them and developing my knowledge of communication systems within cars, including how to manipulate signals to create simulations and also learning/developing the electrical infrastructure behind the rigs


  • 3. To what extent do you enjoy your programme?
  • Honestly, it's really great!! JLR are really accommodating with the university side of things - often they will give us extra study times around exams and assignments which really helps. They are also super supportive and willing to take your suggestions on board. They have a bunch of different societies, of which I am part of the Islamic Society committee - we run great events (like Grand Iftar, Eid Samosas etc.) and being part of that and having that representation and network throughout the business is amazing.


  • 4. How well organised/structured is your programme?
  • Very well organised. We are given study days and study weeks for university and on top of that extra days when needed close to exams. It's nice that our university and company are quite closely linked - we have meetings with us, our manager, and our university tutor every couple of months to make sure our apprenticeship is kept on track. As well as this, it is focussed on our KSBs (Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours needed to pass our apprenticeship) - therefore we can take placements outside of our home team if needed.


  • 5. How much support do you receive from your employer?
  • Lots of support! As previously mentioned we have meetings with our JLR cohort lead to ensure everything is on track and we are happy. We are given extra days to study around exam time which other companies don't give. Even within the teams, you are surrounded by employees who want to help you grow


  • 6. How much support do you receive from your training provider when working towards your qualifications?
  • Again lots! I have mentioned the extra study days given around assignments and exam times - which help ease the workload. We have meetings every couple of months with our uni tutor and our line manager - so we can all discuss together my progress and how I'm doing - these are really useful. As well as this, my team are very understanding and helpful if I'm ever stuck on a uni project - they'll do their best to help or lead me to someone who can.


  • 7. How well do you feel that your qualification (through your training provider) helps you to perform better in your role?
  • Currently, in first year, there are not too many similarities as my job role is quite complex. However, it has helped me understand the basics and principles behind the work I'm doing - e.g. with electricity modules and building electrical infrastructure at work. The business modules have also been very useful in understanding JLR in a more holistic sense - helping you appreciate different areas of the company and where you might want to explore in the future.


  • 8. Are there extra-curricular activities to get involved in at your work? (For example, any social activities, sports teams, or even professional networking events.)
  • YES! We have an Early Careers community who run proper events (hiking in Malvern Hills, go-kart racing and munch, ice skating etc.) which are really fun and give you a chance to meet all the apprentices/grad/undergads who are your age (sometimes in your team you could be the only young person!). Also we have informal Team groups dedicated to weekly activities - bouldering, badminton, running (parkrun) and football are some of the most active --> they arrange timings after work for employees to meet up and do some sports/socials. As well as this, we have networks - I am a big part of the Islamic Society at JLR and we run company events (Grand Iftar, Eid Samosas) and also out of work events (meals out, sports tournaments).


  • 9a. Would you recommend JLR to a friend?
  • Yes

  • 9b. Why?
  • The combination of a prestigious leading global company and a prestigious university is only the beginning of the great benefits here at JLR. As mentioned above there are so many different benefits and positives - I would definitely recommend.

  • 10. What tips or advice would you give to others applying to JLR?
  • Research. Preparation. Practice. - 3 key stages for any interview. Ensure you do all 3. Research the company (their website and LinkedIn), prepare answers to all the common questions especially those related to JLRs ethos (use examples from your life of when you've shown common skills like teamwork, leadership, time management etc --> STARR format is best), practice the delivery and how you say it (ensure it's not monotonous/emotionless - keep the tempo & pitch varied and be engaging by telling a story.


Degree Apprenticeship



May 2024

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