
  • 1. Please give an overview of your role and what this involves on a day-to-day basis:
  • in the morning when we arrive at 7:30 we have a morning meeting to discuss the task we need to undertake in the workshop/out on site or what progress we made the day before At the moment i am based out of electrical installation team at the quarry so we go anywhere on site installing various electrical items such as cctv, lighting, running cables, and the list goes on and being part of this team means in the workshop we also have a bit of mechanical engineering implemented into our day to day work as we have to drill and make back panels for electrical units and for things to be mounted onto out on site which cant be bought so we make them ourselves


  • 2. Have you learnt any new skills or developed existing skills?
  • while at TARMAC i have learnt many new skills early on which have help me become a useful asset to the team and i hope i can keep progressing the way that i am doing


  • 3. To what extent do you enjoy your programme?
  • I really enjoy my programme as i learn many new things every day and often are never on the same task each day meaning it keeps you very occupied and wanting to learn as there is plenty for you to do and achieve


  • 4. How well organised/structured is your programme?
  • My programme is very well organised as i said before as there is always something to be doing or being done that is s great use of our time as we are constantly learning more and more day by day because of this structure as they allow us to work on some very important/intricate pieces of equipment which is also helping use to progress as what we are doing is working on remembering and learning for next time


  • 5. How much support do you receive from your employer?
  • Here at TARMAC we receive plenty of support as we have regular meeting with our bosses/ higher ups to discuss progress and if we are struggling with anything and is there anything they can do to help prevent/overcome this


  • 6. How much support do you receive from your training provider when working towards your qualifications?
  • From Chesterfield college we have a college assessor that comes out on a 4 week bases to check we are up to date with college work and onefile work and ask how college is going and if we need any help


  • 7. How well do you feel that your qualification (through your training provider) helps you to perform better in your role?
  • i think for the most part it does help me perform better in my role but alot of the course doesn't correlate to what we do at work so its sometimes hard to understand if we've never seen it before


  • 8. Are there extra-curricular activities to get involved in at your work? (For example, any social activities, sports teams, or even professional networking events.)
  • there have been many things that have occurred at TARMAC during the short time i have been here such as: TARMAC has a volunteering department that i have help in and we help plant trees and helped cut hawthorn out of a farmers field also we had a escape room van on site with teams of 5 to help with team building


  • 9a. Would you recommend Tarmac to a friend?
  • Yes

  • 9b. Why?
  • TARMAC as a company looks after you really well with its rewards schemes and other bonus's also they provide you with all the necessary PPE, uniform, tools and much more without any hesitation

  • 10. What tips or advice would you give to others applying to Tarmac?
  • Be yourself and show you have good skills to work with other people and that you can work in a safe structured and organised manner


Higher Level Apprenticeship

Electronic and Electrical Engineering

Buxton, Derbyshire

May 2024

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