
  • 1. Please give an overview of your role and what this involves on a day-to-day basis:
  • Business development is responsible for identifying opportunities for new business as well as supporting many aspects of business winning to drive and achieve growth aligned with the company strategy. In order to achieve this, I am exposed to a variety of teams with expertise including Market and Business Development, Government and Customer Relations, Industrialisation, Competitive Intelligence, Bid and Proposal Management and Stakeholder visits. I will help define country and regional strategies, identify routes to market for our products and services, and gain experience of stakeholder management and building customer relationships along with understanding the policies and process which underpin these activities.


  • 2. Have you learnt any new skills or developed existing skills?
  • The biggest things I have learnt is to trust in myself and my ability. I do not need that constant reassurance, I am more capable than I think. I think I have develop massive as a person and come more out of my shell. I have also learnt to be vocal and that I can speak out and have a seat at the table and that everyone voice and opinion matters. One massive thing I have learnt is that you are only as good at your network, you need to speak out and get yourself known in order to get involved. I think BAE Systems gives you an abundance of guidance and support you just need to take the opportunities when they present themselves.


  • 3. To what extent do you enjoy your programme?
  • I really enjoy my programme and the opportunities given to us through our placements. We get hands on experience which can help us develop through our careers within BAE Systems.


  • 4. How well organised/structured is your programme?
  • I think the programme is very structed but can also be adaptable to suit you especially within placements opportunities can arise that you do not want to miss out on!


  • 5. How much support do you receive from your employer?
  • I think we get an abundance of support from many different people such as; Early Careers especially your own Skills Coach, Placement Manager, Business Development Manager, Capability Lead and your own go to help within Business Development too. The list is endless there is never ending support!


  • 6. How much support do you receive from your training provider when working towards your qualifications?
  • We have a college day to go through the assignment and get a full run through of what it in tales. This is where we have an opportunity to ask any questions we have and connect with other Apprentices.


  • 7. How well do you feel that your qualification (through your training provider) helps you to perform better in your role?
  • I think all the training we are provided is for a reason and it is to help us develop yourself and our careers within BAE Systems.


  • 8. Are there extra-curricular activities to get involved in at your work? (For example, any social activities, sports teams, or even professional networking events.)
  • I am a STEM Ambassador and a TECN representative so there is plenty of extra-curricular for me to get involved in!


  • 9a. Would you recommend BAE Systems to a friend?
  • Yes

  • 9b. Why?
  • BAE Systems is a long life career and the support you are provided is endless. There are endless opportunities and pathways and there is definitely something to find that you will love!

  • 10. What tips or advice would you give to others applying to BAE Systems?
  • Give it your best shot, be yourself and be confident!


Level 3 Apprenticeship

Aeronautical & Aerospace Engineering

Warton, Carnforth, UK

June 2024

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