I applied for the apprenticeship at Dstl as I knew that I could benefit from learning and working when on the job. I knew I wanted to undertake an apprenticeship when I left college as I would gain experience in the working environment as well as enabling me to develop a career path.
Being an apprentice at Dstl, a leading organisation in science and technology is very interesting and great to be part of. To be involved in such a prestige organisation is a great opportunity to meet new people and to network internally and externally, bringing opportunities to develop new skills and experiences as an apprentice. Some experiences I have undertaken include; internal visits to other departments within the organisation, bringing an insight to the work that people are accomplishing for the organisation. At Dstl, I have learnt the importance of data protection and information assurance and how my daily tasks must comply with these acts. My role within the organisation is to provide the administrative support for the business.
When starting the apprenticeship, I was paired with an experienced team member who was helpful when starting the job, providing the knowledge and skills needed for the job role. As well as this, the organisation has provided training courses that has benefited me to develop skills needed for particular tasks undertaken by administration services. I currently work alongside both experienced individuals within the team as well as other apprentices in business administration.
When undergoing the apprenticeship, I have benefited from learning when on the job, working towards an NVQ qualification, completing coursework to our learning provider who provides feedback for development. I have currently been working for the organisation for several months and I am thoroughly enjoying my time here at Dstl, I highly recommend the apprenticeships the organisation has to offer.
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